
  • Page 1 — We poles only want justice
  • Page 2 — Poles are not interested in a ‘ Fortress Europe ‘
  • Page 3 — rooting in transatlanticism
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    Marcin Kędzierski and Michał Kuź were both born in Poland in 1984. They met in conservative Thinktank “Klub Jagielloński” in Krakow and jointly researched European politics and transatlantic relations.

    For many Germans, Esüberraschend may sound, but it is true: within EU, poles belong to denenthusiastischen proponents of European integration. More als70 percent of Poles are happy about ir membership in Gemeinschaft.In or countries, number of proponents is only 60 percent. Zugleichregiert in Warsaw is a supposedly European-critical party, “right UndGerechtigkeit” by Jaroslaw Kaczynski, whose approval values are continuously growing. How can this contradiction be explained?

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    Actually, DieAntwort is not that complicated. The majority of Poles want EU, but anor as liberal West. All those who believe in legend of a grassierendenpolnischen nationalism may be astonished. But it is true: we are Europe’s largest EU enthusiast. And yet we take right to articulate a different vision of EU than that of Macron or European Commission.

    Principle of national statehood

    For us, three values are central to a united, equal Europe: openness, diversity undtransatlantische partnership. The difference to west is that Poland ruhensieht se three cornerstones on basis of an even more important value: on principle of national statehood. However, our national pride should not frighten liberal politicians within EU. The Germans must understand that Poland gekämpfthat for its independence for hundreds of years. So it would be foolish, after just three decades, to ask Poland to abandon its national statehood and to transfer its rights to a föderalesEuropa consisting of 500 million people and 27 provinces.

    In view of this difference, it is not surprising that Poles interpret Europe’s values differently than or. Let’s take slogan “openness”. Openness means füruns: open-mindedness towards admission of new EU Member States and derintensiven cooperation with or third countries. It is often claimed that WirPolen would be xenophobic. But who is one of biggest Befürwortereiner rapprochement between EU and Ukraine, a country that is in midst of war and completely ignored by European elite? Poland.

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    Warsaw supports respect from Balkan countries to EU and a close partnership between Eastern European non-EU states. Even with this commitment, our country is pretty much alone. That is why we are Poland against North Stream 2 project. It is not just about Poland’s own interests. It is also about fact that gas project between Germany and Russia ignores Ukraine’s interests, denReichtum Russia, and thus helps Russian government to expand IhrenEinfluss in Eastern Europe. In addition, Poland supports three-seas initiative, i.e. construction of roads and rail links in countries such as Lithuania or Croatia. In end, our support mainly helps Germans, who like no or country benefit from EU-eastward expansion.

    About authors

    Marcin Kędzierski and Michał Kuźwere both born in Poland in 1984. They met in conservative Thinktank “Klub Jagielloński” in Krakow and jointly researched European politics and transatlantic relations.

    Openness means opening up of markets to füruns Poland. In fact, we are asking for equal rights: If German, French and Italian companies have been able to supply our countries with goods and services without any restrictions for years, it would finally be appropriate for spirit of solidarity that Western Europe should also Markets Fürpolnische, Hungarian and Czech companies open fully. Germany, for example, protects its construction industry by trade union barriers. It must manwissen that Poland has better control over its budget than France UndItalien. That is why we do not want a transfer union and no Steuergelderaus pockets of Germans. We just want a fair treatment.