DerDaimler’s exhaust gas scandal is basically even more devastating than that of Volkswagen. Not in terms of numbers, because at world’s eleven million manipulated Fahrzeugeaus to Wolfsburg group, ordered recall of jointly 774.000 cars of Mercedes brand comes by far Not approaching. The case of Daimler is outrageous for anor reason.

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Since September 2015 – a good two and a half years ago – mass manipulation of Abgasreinigungin VW diesel vehicles was blown up, Daimler chief Dieter Zetsche was not tired of repeating: “We are not deceived.” Decisive for him was greatest possible distance to Volkswagen. Zetsche had to be clear that from autumn 2015 entire car industry would be under special observation.

Neverless, Daimler boss constantly conjured up clean man mantra, and it was a long time ago. As a research of time shows, Daimler kept authorities for years and tried to delay swift investigations derStaatsanwaltschaft with legal means. So Zetsche (persons entire car industry) was able to make public long in belief that it was just a Volkswagen affair: accusations of fraud against VW, Audi, Porsche – but everything else okay in industry. This picture is längstzerstört, and thus also Zetsches innocence.

Not a single fine imposed

Angesichtsdessen could have been expected that federal Minister of Transportation Andreas Scheuer (CSU) is now particularly hard at Daimler – also to set signs against communication tactics of manufacturers, firstonce all sit out and fault only If y are no longer to be denied. This was also case with Daimler: At first re was only a suspicion of tampering with 4,900 vehicles desKleintransporters Vito in room, and now is suddenly dieRede by einerDreiviertelmillion cars.

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Zuersterweckte scoured impression of acting differently from his predecessor: he threatened Daimler with a 5,000 euro JeAuto – a Milliardenstrafezugekommen for Stuttgart group. But from hard stance remained at end of meeting with Zetsche Nichtsübrig. Scheuer only ordered a callback for 774,000 betroffenenMercedes vehicles.

This remains case: in scandal UmAbgasbetrug, which has been running for more than two and a half years, not a single fine has been imposed in Germany. The BUNDESREGIERUNGGIBT is satisfied if automakers ruefully accept a mandatory recall and promise a rapid processing of software updates. “The subject is ticked off,” said AuchDieter Zetsche on Monday evening after his meeting with Scheuer – and that speaks volumes. On one, it sounds as if Daimler had already directed cars, on or it expresses how Autoboss obviously Considered: a trifle, not more than an annoying point on its to-do list.

The government does not want to enlighten

Nothing istgar. It should at least not be. Of course, mandatory recall is also met by Daimler, it costs company money. But a real Strafefür of fraud and air pollution from dirty diesel cars is not. The government continues to shy away from punishment. That is unacceptable. Manufacturers must also be Verantwortungübernehmen and punished for ir deeds. Correcting manipulated vehicles is a matter of course. Especially since almost all cars, which are now affected by Demamtlichen recall, are included in three million vehicles, according to Daimler, for which group had already announced a voluntary update derMotorsoftware.

Of a The case, Daimler once again clarified: Government still has no real interest in a real reconnaissance of exhaust gas scandal. But only that would restore confidence in car industry, not just installing software. So DieAufarbeitung remains a matter for prosecutors.