They were most concerned about handshake in USA. After all, you know IhrenPräsidenten, who tends to want Machtverhältnisseklarstellen in first moments by turning interlocutor into sichheranzieht or shaking hands to a kind of arm wrestling. Accordingly, handshake could also and precisely in Singapore decide about Erfolgoder failure of first meeting with Kim Jon Un.

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In end, DieHandschlag analysts were able to brea. In 13 seconds re was no tug, colleagues of Washington Post calmed down. Trumphabe only, as so often, briefly elbow of North Korean Machthabersergriffen and n knocked on his back. Both politicians had a gloomy nervous effect in first few seconds; Kim had only smiled when Trumpihn respectfully led elbow into interior, New York Times noted. This was moment when initial Anspannunggelöst.

That Kim EineLesebrille in his hand, however, skeptics regarded as a bad omen: It might appear to ruler of North Korea as more undÜberlegteren of two, feared m. For many, Daswenige hours later after meeting at Capella Hotel should be true: it is a historical meeting with a second-class result, urteiltebeispielsweise organization Arms Control Association. Trump be it wieimmer especially about optics gone, less about substance. The Präsidenthabe much less than previous negotiators, schriebauch Democratic deputy Ted Lieu. The agreement remains behind Iran agreement, which it has just announced. “It looks said that Trump was put in Singapore,” except default North Korea expert Nicholas Kristof in New York Timeszusammen.

Trump had made concrete and far-reaching concessions to demnordkoreanischen leaders, while Kim did not have to commit himself eir in terms of content or time, many experts say.  “The document does not include anything at all,” said Derlange for North Korea’s policy-responsible U.S. diplomat Joseph Yun. The one-sided document – The Trump himself described as “comprehensive” – was lacking in same way as obligations to allow inspectors into country to destroy intercontinental missiles or programs for DieAnreicherung of uranium and plutonium Freeze. Kim had shown Lediglichdenselben “will to denuclearization” as his grandfar Kim Il Sung 1992 showed, without taking any concrete steps, says Kristof. “It’s creepy, dassTrump that doesn’t seem to remember.”

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The WichtigsteErkenntnis of meeting was in end but less in contents DerVereinbarung than in symbolism on edge. At meeting of G7 states inmontreal a few days ago, president had worked bitterly and took part in talks with a verschränktenArmen and stoic face before leaving for Singapore, commented Washington Post. In North Korea, however, he showed himself “honored” and at end even Diepropagandistische language of regime. The president, who seiined this week, is looking for a shoulder with dictators and “muscle men” while he is testing old alliances with Western Demokratienauf.

TV-compatible history

It is not nurdaran that G7 summit for Trump was an unpleasant commitment, while “tête-à-tête” with Kim Jon Un had opportunity to write television-worthy history. With narrow-minded emphasis on between supervisory interests, global conspiracy ories and SeinerVerachtung for international institutions, man in White House is also less content on line of Merkel, Trudeau and Macronund more on Kim’s, Duterte and Putin. Even with announcement of Singapore to refrain from military exercises in south of Korean peninsula, US president is not only breaking with conventions, but sendeauch a signal to old allies in South Korea and Japan that DerSchutz by Americans Holey.

The US Präsidentselbst a few hours after summit meeting. In an interview with Trump-close broadcaster Fox News, he said Kim would start “quasisofort” with denuclearization. The process is “really moving fast”. Presenter Sean Hannity described meeting between DemUS president and Kim Jon Un as similar to that between Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev in Reykjavik 1986, which led to a erstenAnnäherung between hostile world powers.

In fact, both meetings had been preceded by months of public hostility. Only a few months ago, Trump and Kim had publicly threatened with “fire and rage,” on Twitter, Trump boasted to have bigger “button” that launches nuclear missile. The fact that Singapore summit is ahead of this Schlagabstauschein progress is also subject of Liberals in country of KeinenZweifel. It was better if two leaders exchanged compliments instead of rockets, wrote Nicholas Kristof. But Trump had broken down allemdie tensions in Singapore that he had caused himself. It is wrong to count Ihmdas as a success.