US president Donald Trump has left G7 summit in Canada prematurely as announced. “We have completed summit,” Trump said before leaving town of La Malbaie in province of Quebec. Previously, he reaffirmed his position in trade dispute, particularly with Europeans. The US has been disadvantaged for decades and would no longer accept it, Trump said.

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The summit was not controversial, US president furr said. Relations between states are very good. He spoke with or heads of State and Government about his trade policy and called for abolition of customs duties, trade barriers or subsidies. The best thing would be if re were no tariffs at all, Trump said. With a view to US-imposed import duties on certain products, Trump warned or nations: “If you retaliate, you make a mistake.”

Trump is now on his way to Singapore, where he will meet with North Korea’s leader Kim Jong Un on Tuesday.

Trump’s suggestion: back to G8

The two-day meeting of Heads of State and Government of major industrial nations had begun on Friday. It was from beginning overshadowed by differences of Europeans with Trump. In particular, we are talking about US import tariffs, Trump’s exit from Paris climate change treaty and nuclear agreement with Iran.

Trump’s surprising thrust to return Russia to G7 circle was a rejection of summit participants. Only Italy signaled cautious consent. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said that his country does not call for abolition of Russia sanctions “overnight”, but he hopes that re will be G8 meetings with Russia as soon as possible. Russia had been expelled from group after annexation of Crimea 2014.

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Day 2 of G7Charlevoix summit has started. I will continue working with all G7 partners to defend our shared values and interests.

— Donald Tusk (@eucopresident) June 9, 2018

Russia reacted cautiously to idea of returning to circle of seven major industrial nations. Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that his country did not ask anyone to come back to G7. Russia is working “well in or formats” such as within G20 of industrial and emerging countries. There, “The Ultimates do not work, re you have to reach agreement,” says Lavrov. In his view, this was ” most promising format for future”.

Merkel: to name disagreements

So far, Canada has not been able to draw up a joint final declaration of Summit participants. In course of Saturday, however, French delegation said that a joint communiqué was “very likely” and that discussions in this regard were “on right track”. Later, Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) also said that she reckons at human discretion that an official final communiqué will be passed. As a G7, a commitment to rule-based trading, but also a reform of World Trade Organisation, was said by Chancellor. With regard to Iran, differences continue to exist, but re is a common concern about country’s missile programme.

Merkel had already said day before that a lack of explanation would not, in her view, be end of club of main western industrial countries. “It is more honest to name disagreements and to continue to work to overcome m than to pretend that everything is in order,” said Chancellor after first working session. Looking at issues of trade and climate, she said: “In my view, it is important that we do not fall behind agreement we made last year.”

Meanwhile, it became known that G7 countries want to promote access for girls in crisis regions to education for three years with 2.5 billion euros. In this way, states said much more money than expected. Canada and some aid organisations had demanded 1.1 billion euros. The money is intended to support existing organisations that allow girls to gain access to education. Today 75 million children in 35 countries can not go to school worldwide.