According to a new study, TropischeWirbelstürme are moving slower on alsfrüher. Undweil you stay longer over a place, you will cause stärkereRegen and storm damage.

Between 1949 and 2016, DieZuggeschwindigkeit of tropical storms worldwide fell by ten percent on average, writes James Kossin of US climate UndOzeanbehörde NOAA in journal Nature.

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Wirbelstürmeüber western North Pacific even migrated by 20 percent slower, over water areas around Australia around 15 percent. To Floatabove mainland researchers are still speed a strength decrease: 30Prozent in western North Pacific region and about 20 percent above North American east Coast and Australia.

Increased risk of death

“DieseTrendss are likely to increase örtlichenNiederschlagsmengen and freshwater floods,” explains Kossin. This will increase risk of dying through natural events.  Verantwortlichdafür is believed to be Kossins global warming. They weaken tropical air circulation – Empireand also air flows that Wirbelstürmeweitertragen. In addition, re is more water vapor that can rain.

Regional slowdown of tropical cyclones

Between 1949 and 2016 on land and water

Source: NOAA

In August 2017, Hurricane Harvey raged over Texas for five days, flooded Houston and vast land areas.

Even 2018 again strong storms

For this year’s hurricane season over Atlantic, which begins in June, NOAAbis expects four strong Wirbelstürmeim Caribbean space and US. In addition, wear experts expect five to nine slightly weaker hurricanes. So this year’s DieHurrikan season is likely to be less of a consequence than 2017, which is considered worst hurricane year since 2005.