
  • Page 1 — continue to fish happy data!
  • Page 2 — who controls who?
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    One of largest trawl nets in Germany is Sichnicht in North or Baltic Sea, but in Frankfurt am Main. Here, at traffic volume world’s largest Internet node de-Cix, since 2009 DerBundesnachrichtendienst (BND) listens to data traffic from Germany, wide TeilenEuropas, but also from Russia, China, Africa and Middle East. The data is copied via an additional BND fiber optic cable and filtered and evaluated in a branch of intelligence service. StrategischeFernmeldeüberwachung means that.

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    The operators of de-Cix sued against this practice before Federal Administrative Court in Leipzig. They wanted to banish uninvited guest Gerneaus ir server centers because y no longer wanted to be “accomplices” of strategic, i.e. unconditional surveillance. On late Wednesday evening, DieLeipziger Richter rejected lawsuit: BND was entitled to monitor Anordnungdes Federal Ministry International Telecommunications Undaufzuzeichnen. And operators of de-Cix are obliged to continue to do so and to comply with regulations of BND.

    A judgement in favour of BND was to be expected. But fact that judges in Leipzig ignored almost all reservations of plaintiffs, did not make any conditionality on Secret Service, and thus continued to legitimise UmstritteneAbhörpraxis, is disappointing for two reasons: firstly, y accept that, as a by-catch, Communication DeutscherBürger and citizens cannot be excluded, which violates ir rights. Secondly, you bow to verdict of a mandatory reform of BND and Seinerparlamentarischen control.

    The little by-catch is not bad

    In particular, question of wher BNDmöglicherweise is taking up far too much data from German citizens remains for ersteunbeantwortet. Also because this point was surprisingly only amRande in negotiation. According to article 10 law, it is German Geheimdienstenerlaubt to monitor communication abroad (abroad) or between Inlandund foreign countries, and for example to examine certain keywords. The secret services must not, however, strategically monitor domestic communications, but only in individual cases with approval of G-10 commission of Bundestag.

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    If BND now oderTeile data traffic at intersection, it would have to Kommunikationherausfiltern inner German. The operators of de-Cix doubted that this was technischmöglich. A distinction between domestic and AusländischemDatenverkehr is difficult, given complexity of services in Internet and international server locations. To this view came schon2016 a technical opinion of Chaos Computer Club, commissioned by NSA Committee of Inquiry. The conclusion DerAutoren: it is hardly possible to “make global statements about Zusammensetzungdes Internet traffic”. The BundesdatenschutzbeauftragteAndrea Voßhoff had also found in a test report “significant systemic deficiencies” in DemDatenfiltersystem (Dafis), which is to filter out DeutscheStaatsbürger.

    Today, Secret Service of DenProblemen wants to know nothing of past. Prior to trial, it was said that “many layers” of transmission protocols are in meantime very complex, “multidimensional filters”. You nehmeauch browser and program settings as well as geodata in order to sort out German users. And if an e-mail einesDeutschen through filter slip, it will be “hand-removed”. The filters are supposed to be more than 99 percent effective today.

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    Complex filters, browser settings, delete by hand – you don’t have to be a computer expert to question effectiveness measures. Especially since it is not about traffic EinerStadt, but about large parts of Europe, that is, a lot of vonDaten. But court’s assertions clearly sufficed to monitor wirklichkeine German citizens. Verification of used hard-undSoftware by independent reviewers is thus excluded, filters are exclusively in sovereignty of BND.