
  • Page 1 — Lästerpäuschen in teacher’s room
  • Page 2 — “Half of class is so hollow.”
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    At door to classroom, Mrs. Schmidt asked me in a lowered voice: “Are you sure you want to do this? The class is quite difficult. ” I replied that I was prepared for everything and that orientation internship in teaching degree course was finally re to gain an insight into true teacher existence. Mrs. Schmidt sighed and opened door to classroom of 8a of a high school.

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    The disciples swarmeded between tables and shrieked agitated. The volume level was so high that a girl with blond braids was holding her ears in back benches. Mrs. Schmidt called on students to calm down, go to ir places and downloads ir homework. A double hour of ethics education was on timetable. “You always have to talk a lot about feelings. And say what is right and wrong, “explained one of students. His definition seemed to me well taken. In this double lesson, students should report on ir last quarrel. In this case, conflict should be analyzed toger and its solution discussed.

    Always resolve conflicts in a friendly tone

    “Maik, I would like to hear your story,” Ms. Schmidt asked a student who was just trying to paint his seat neighbors with a felt pen. Hö! Why am I!? “complained Maik. Mrs. Schmidt fixed him with a stern look. Maik took his notebook out of school satchel in slow motion and started reading it. His best friend had broken a controller at joint Playstationspielen last week. “And,” asked Mrs. Schmidt, after he had finished reading, “How did you resolve dispute?” Eh, replied Maik irritated, Well, I yelled at him because that was all shit about him. Then he ran away. was also better for him… “.

    Mrs Schmidt threw a hopeless look at me, saying, “I told you so.” Then she explained to class in prevailing tone how one can better solve a conflict: do not get in sound, stay friendly, even if someone does something that hurts you. In course of double hour, we heard more of students ‘ quarrels, discussed various strategies for solving m, and learned how to manage not to become obsolete.