Several women accuse Oscar winner Morgan Freeman of sexual harassment according to a report. The broadcaster CNN reports that eight women have reported harassment of Filmset and Hollywood star environment. Or women would have indicated that y had observed Freeman’s wrongdoing in shooting or or situations. In total, broadcaster announced that he had spoken to 16 women. From ir statements a pattern of inappropriate behavior could be identified, CNN writers write. However, about a dozen or people had also assured broadcaster that Freeman had never observed any questionable behaviour.

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As CNN continues to report, a month-long research is to be conducted, people from Freeman’s environment have been interviewed, and Freeman’s spokesman has also been contacted for an opinion. The speaker had requested a list of accusations, but n also failed to respond to multiple demand. Only now, after publication of article, did Freeman tell him: “Anyone who knows me or works with me knows that I am no one who deliberately injures ors or makes m knowingly uncomfortable. I apologize to all those who felt uncomfortable or not respected – that was never my intention. “

The CNN report is about a production assistant who describes frequent sexually suggestive gestures and comments that she had experienced in 2015 in a twist to comedy departure in style. According to this, Freeman has also tried to raise her skirt, asking if she wears underwear. According to several women, actor has often made inappropriate remarks about ir figure.

CNN author describes her own encounter with Freeman

One of two authors of article also describes an encounter with Freeman, in which he behaved unduly. She was pregnant at time, writes Chloe Melas. Freeman gave her hand, never let go of her and looked at her from head to toe. Several times he said, “I wish I were re.” And Next, “You’re ripe,” says Melas about her encounter.

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The 80-year-old Freeman is known from films like Seven, Robin Hood, Million Dollar Baby and Invictus – unsubdued, even today he is still in front of camera. For his supporting role in Million Dollar Baby, Freeman 2005 received an Oscar, for Miss Daisy and her chauffeur he was awarded Silver Bear in 1990 at Berlinale.

Editor’s note: In a first version, we had written that Freeman gave Melas hand “longer than necessary”. This was misleading translated and was adapted.