With a European student card, EU Commission wants to make it easier for young people to study abroad. At latest from 2021, students should be able to learn and research in European universities in a less bureaucratic and cost-effective way, said education commissioner Tibor Navracsics.

In concrete terms, universities should be able to view respective performance documents via card. In addition, students should be able to borrow simple books or pay for m in restaurants or laundromats. The data on card should be encrypted.

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The student card is one of several initiatives that Commission would like to implement until 2025. In addition, establishment of a network of “excellent” universities is planned. “No region of EU should be excluded from this, for example because of geographical conditions,” said education commissioner. European higher education should become more competitive. In a first phase until 2025, Navracsics are expected to test ideas in practice.

strengning cultural identity

It reaffirmed aim that young people should be able to speak at least two foreign languages in addition to ir mor tongue until end of secondary schools. The sooner y started, better.

At its social summit in Gonburg in November last year, EU countries agreed to strengn education and cultural identity toger. First measures were introduced in January.