In Romanian capital Bucharest, many people have once again gone to streets against government. The demonstrators accuse social-liberal government of weakening rule of law and fight against corruption with new judicial laws. According to media reports, about 70,000 people participated in demonstration. There were smaller protest marches in at least 20 or cities.

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Numerous demonstrators had also travelled from province to Bucharest. At beginning of rally, re was a wrangles between demonstrators and police at Bucharest University Square. According to media reports, police had drawn up a large contingent from all over country to oversee demonstration. As early as November, more than ten thousand people had demonstrated ir opposition to reform of judiciary. Overall, however, demonstration was peaceful.

The Romanian Government coalition of Social Democrats (PSD) and liberals (ALDE) is pushing forward judicial reform. Among or things, controversial new laws foresee restrictive powers of public prosecutor responsible for corruption. In addition, authority should no longer be able to detect administrative officials. Also, control of Ministry of Justice via prosecutors should be extended.

Parliament approved reform in December. Before it can enter into force, President Klaus Iohannis still has to sign new laws. Critics accuse government of reform jeopardizing independence of judiciary.

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At beginning of week, Romanian Prime Minister Mihai Tudose had resigned after a power struggle within Romanian social Democrats after less than seven months in office. As a reason he gave up lack of support in his party. Tudose accuses party chairman Liviu Dragnea of having promoted incompetent party friends to high offices. In October, three cabinet members had already left government on pressure from Tudose.

Since Tudoses resignation, Defense Minister Mihai Fifor (PSD) has been country’s transition premier. Party chief Dragnea may not become prime Minister for criminal record. Dragneas allies, EU parliamentarian Viorica Dancila, will be elected to head of Government on 29 January on a proposal from Dragneas Parliament.