Facebook wants to examine in more detail wher Russian propaganda has been disseminated over social network before Brexit vote. Previously, British politicians had complained that Facebook was only inadequately suspected. It should now look for more accounts that could have a connection with Russian bodies, wrote Facebook’s British policy director Simon Milner in a letter to Committee on Digital, Culture and media of British Parliament.

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Initially, Facebook had only checked wher already known Facebook profiles had been active before referendum. However, company could only find a minimal activity, such as Internet research Agency. The agency has already been originator of Russian propaganda in US election campaign and is publishing manipulative advertisements. According to Facebook, however, site spent only about one dollar for three ads in pre-Brexit vote.

The Committee on Digital, Culture and media assessed investigation as inadequate and asked Facebook to look for or accounts with possible Russian connections as well. It is known that Russian posts would have operated Twitter bots during Brexit referendum, said committee chairman Damian Collins. It is probable that y have also been on road on Facebook. Collins welcomed re-examination. Companies like Facebook should do ir own research if re is a public interest and do not only respond to intelligence information, Collins said according to Buzzfeed News.

In Germany, Facebook blocked many accounts

I welcome fact that Facebook have now responded to @CommonsCMS request for information regarding abuse of ir platform during Brexit referendum. I look forward to reviewing ir findings. Pic.twitter.com/7Sd6lSwsav

— Damian Collins (@DamianCollins) January 17, 2018

According to Facebook, now announced review is expensive and will take a long time. The necessary experts are currently employed. The company also asked UK for information, for example, from intelligence analysis.

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In United States, Facebook recently found a Russian influence: months of research showed that re was a coordinated attempt from Russian side to strengn tension in society and to contribute to election of Donald Trump as president. . Before elections in Germany and France, company blocked tens of thousands of counterfeit accounts. The Russian government rejects all allegations.