
  • Page 1 — Let us agree!
  • Page 2 — Redistribution by taxation
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    WirSozialdemokratinnen and Social Democrats have all accompanied with many mixed feelings course of our party in difficulties months. The No to grand coalition had Unserleichtert, suddenly everything seemed easy. Despite this harsh electoral defeat. And now pendulum is hitting back.

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    is SPD politician and since June 2017 state secretary in Lower Saxony Ministry of Economy, Labor and transport.

    Democracy knows no me–push me–even. Democracy means taking responsibility – UndDemokratie is always looking forward. What has been shaped UnsereErfahrung, now it is necessary to shape future. At a party congress, we will now have a first exploratory paper.

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    It is important that this paper can only be as good as those of unsgesetzten framework conditions. We had a federal party congress in December, which took a decision on forthcoming consultations. I also habefür paper – even if accuracy of content did not correspond to MeinenVorstellungen.

    On this, our fronts have negotiated – and since Friday we have outcome. The yardstick for this result, first of all, is always its own political conception. In fact, first scale is decision party tags. We have to measure paper on this.

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    I refore note following:

    1. The paper is well negotiated because essential claims have been desBundesparteitags. The SPD was able to Kernforderungenfestschreiben Europe-political, pension-political, family-political and financial policy. The results of negotiations can also sehenlassen in domestic policy. The paper does not have an upper limit. The experience of average immigration is noted – and Asylrechtnicht is also touched.

    Too long, too heterogeneous

    2. The paper is honest. The outcry of past few days, when DasKlimaziel 2020 was on agenda, was pharisäerhaft. Three years before target year, it is very easy to estimate wher a werdenwird has reached its target. The coming coalition could put itself on hind legs – but Undwürde cannot influence essential parameters. Dieberechtigte criticism of mission of goal is to governments of letztenJahre – and re we were re. And it is we who do not make a particularly impressive figure in coal question.

    3. The paper is too long and too heterogeneous. In some parts, Esbereits is a negotiated coalition contract draft and in or Sehrallgemein. While on subject of mobility cloudy declarations of intent happen, appointments to pensions, health or migration are already sehrkonkret. There is a great danger in structure. Not recognizable by a lot of detailed sindgroße lines – but we expect m intuitively to justify DieAbkehr from NoGroko course for us.

    4. The paper is result of a conversation between partners, Dieunterschiedlichen political ideas are committed – and thus Notwendigerweiseein compromise. The pure Social democratic idea will not findenkönnen here. If we reject compromise, we can continue to pay homage to our idea.