The Turkish police have once again arrested husband of German journalist Meşale Tolu, Suat Çorlu. This is reported by Turkish Socialist opposition party esp. The lawyer of family Tolu confirmed Spiegel Online arrest. Çorlu is a leading member of ESP and journalist. In raids in four provinces, including Istanbul and Ankara, Turkish police have, according to ir own claims, detained at least five members of ESP and Socialist Youth organisation SGDF. What exactly authorities Corlu accuse, however, is still unclear, so Spiegel Online.

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After almost eight months, German journalist and translator Meşale Tolu had been released in custody in December 2017. Tolu had worked in Turkey for a leftist news agency. She was accused of “membership in a terrorist organization” and “terrorist propaganda.” Tolu sat with her two-year-old son in women’s prison in Istanbul district of Bakırköy before a court had ordered her release under conditions. Tolu is not allowed to leave Turkey, its procedure goes even furr. The next negotiating date is April 2018. Suat Çorlu was also in custody for several months last year. He came free in November.

Also world correspondent Deniz Yücel is still in Turkish detention. On Wednesday he had rejected a barter trade between Germany and Turkey for his release. “I am not available for dirty deals,” said world correspondent for German press Agency, who had been detained for eleven months, in an interview conducted in writing about his lawyers. Yücel, who owns Turkish and German citizenship, sits in prison since February 14, 2017. The authorities accuse him of data misuse, terrorist propaganda and membership of a terrorist group.

In total, more than 150 journalists are sitting in Turkey Gefängnis.In The result of failed coup attempt of 15 July 2016, Turkey imposed state of emergency. Since n, country has intensified state repression against journalists. More than 100 newspapers, radio and television stations were closed.