
  • Page 1 — independence via Skype?
  • Page 2 — more time passes, less likely a re-election will be Puigdemonts
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    It is once again a day of symbols in Catalonia. At end of first meeting of newly elected regional parliament, independence fighters call “Llibertat, Llibertat”, “Freedom, freedom”. MEPs wear yellow loops on lapels and blouses – out of solidarity with ir fellow fighters, who are persecuted by central Spanish Judiciary. Yellow loops also hang on fences around park, which houses regional parliament in Barcelona.

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    Furr loops, punched out of yellow cardboard box, decorate four empty SamtbezogeneSitze in chamber. Eight members of separatist camp are absent at first session of Parliament. Three of m sit inUntersuchungshaft. They are accused after half declaration of independence of Spain in autumn rebellion. Five – including regional President CarlesPuigdemont – are in Brussels because y are in danger of being arrested for same reasons in Spain. But two great UnabhängigkeitsparteienEsquerra Republicana and Junts per Catalunya have taken care to y be symbolically present at beginning of legislature.

    Election campaign from prison

    On agenda at ErstenSitzungstag is election of parliamentary Bureau. Elsewhere, such elections are pure formality, but normal in Catalonia is little and refore also DieseSitzung has a special explosiveness. One of main tasks of Bureau is dieInterpretation rules of procedure of Parliament – and it depends on wher undwie independence parties will in future exercise ir newly gained absolute majority and wher y plan to weigh Carles Puigdemont again to Regional presidents can choose.

    Because of independence efforts in norast of Spain, Conservative prime minister, Mariano Rajoy, had deposed Catalan regional government in autumn and proclaimed elections in region. Just before Christmas was chosen, but result did not Rajoy satisfaction: Although Catalans are divided furr, almost half of five million voters voted for independence parties and or against. But because of electoral right, Puigdemonts list Junts PerCatalunya, toger with left Republican Esquerra Republicana and Dersystemkritischen Cup, won majority of seats in parliament in Barcelona.

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    Election strategically sent Hattendie two major independence parties to leave first list places to members Derabgesetzten regional government. The “Martyrs ‘ campaign” went around world. But now, election winner Puigdemont is still in Brussels, his colleague Oriol Junqueras sits in custody at Madrid. How you and ors can permanently perceive your politischesMandat is now big question.

    “Freedom of movement must be guaranteed”

    On Wednesday, majority of members elect a separatist to become president of Parliament. Roger Torrent of left Republicans, with 38 years Derjüngste chair of History of Catalonia, condemned in his inaugural speech dieSituation of ex-government members as expected “absolutely unjustified”. It is called an “abnormal context” in which new legislature starts.

    In fact, more and more lawyers are Zweifelam actions of central Spanish Judiciary. It is not just a question of wher Derabgesetzten regional government can actually be accused of rebellion – offence, according to Spanish Penal Code, involves use or denAufruf to violence. In October, however, Puigdemont and his comrades had “suspended” Declaration of Catalonia’s independence, as y explained at time to clarify split in dialogue with Madrid. The unilateral Declaration of independence was also outside Constitution, such as “independence referendum” in run-up – but violence did not apply to separatist government.

    The ongoing pre-trial detention as well as running arrest warrants for group of Brussels-based independence fighters have now been criticised. ” Elected representatives of Derparlamentarischen Chambers enjoy special protection, “argues Andalusian lawyer Juan Manuel MorenoYagüe. “IhreBewegungsfreiheit must be guaranteed as long as y are not legally convicted.” Everything else is “cheating on DerDemokratie”. In ory, both arrest warrants and DieUntersuchungshaft were to be repealed, says Moreno Yagü, who is also a member of Left Party Podemos.