The approval of SPD-Sonderparteitags for opening of coalition negotiations with Union is still open. According to Chairman of members of SPD National Association of North Rhine-Westphalia, Michael Groschek, voting behaviour of delegates from important National association cannot yet be predicted. “We have members who say yes, and which ones say no, and in between is a big part of thoughtful undecided,” said Groschek to West German radio.

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At a party congress on Sunday in Bonn, SPD wants to decide wher it will enter into negotiations on a new edition of Grand Coalition on basis of exploratory result. The voting behaviour of NRW delegates is particularly important – y represent 144 of 600 delegates. However, in contrast to or national associations of party, NRW-SPD does not want to vote on opening of coalition negotiations with Union, as a party spokesman confirmed. There will also be no decision on part of National board. Groschek himself advocates opening of coalition negotiations. “Of course we promote a yes, but we advertise convincingly and not persuading,” said Groschek.

On or hand, Thomas Kutschaty, deputy chairman of SPD Landtag faction in Düsseldorf, criticized plans for a new grand coalition. In exploratory paper agreed last week, “core concerns of SPD such as citizens ‘ insurance, steps against temporary work and a changed tax system” could not be reopened, he said to Cologne City scoreboard. “There had to be something sensational going on in order to be able to inspire me with a continuation of Groko.”

Loud protests of Jusos in Düsseldorf

The federal chairman of SPD, Martin Schulz, also promoted a mandate for coalition talks with Union at party delegates in Düsseldorf. It is clear that re is a “lively process of debate” in SPD, and that is also “normal in a Democratic party,” said Schulz before start of meeting with more than 65 party delegates from Central and Lower Rhine.

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The political substance is re to lead coalition negotiations, Schulz said with regard to exploratory results. “Probing is something or than coalition negotiations.” He said to newspapers of editorial network Germany that in European politics SPD could “negotiate real progress”. “Germany will finally take a leading role. We are heading for a change of era in European politics. ” “These changes alone would suffice to talk about a coalition.”

The meeting in Düsseldorf was accompanied by loud protests by Jusos against a large coalition. The chairman of SPD Bundestag group, Andrea Nahles, had previously accused Jusos of “fundamental opposition” in new press in Passau. A “hard core of adversaries” was gared around SPD youth organization, said Nahles, who was once Juso chairman himself. She also warned opponents of a great coalition against illusions: “It is a fallacy that we could get 100 percent SPD in negotiations. But we’ve enforced 80 percent of our goals. “

The possibility of a new grand coalition is controversially discussed in SPD divisions, and some national associations give recommendations for party delegates. On Monday, provincial board of Berlin SPD spoke out against opening of coalition negotiations with union, and SPD regional council in Brandenburg voted in favour of it.

Previously, SPD state associations in Thuringia and Saxony-Anhalt had already expressed ir Groko rejection, while board of Lower Saxony-SPD majority supported line of party leadership. However, decisions are not binding on delegates.

Union expects approval for negotiations

The Union made it clear that it relies on consent of SPD delegates and n wants to close coalition talks quickly. He is convinced that ” majority will be greater than many believe in opening of coalition negotiations,” said Chancellor Minister of state Peter Altmaier (CDU) of Saarbrücken Zeitung.

CSU Country group chief Alexander Dobrindt said in Berlin: “The SPD will agree to opening of coalition negotiations.” The Union and SPD should n have courage to say, “We are closing this in 14 days.” Similarly, Bundestag chief Volker Kauder (CDU) commented.