Sudan’s President Omar al-Bashir has declared a state of emergency in two provinces of country for six months. This sollebei to help disarm insurgents and pacifying, Information Minister Ahmed Mohammed Osman shared. Affected are Kassala UndNordkordofan.

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Kassalaliegt is located in eastern part of Sudan and Borders Eritrea, Nordkordofan is in centre of country and is adjacent to capital of Khartoum.

Or contested areas of country have long been state of emergency, example in Darfur in west of country and in sourn province of BlauerNil. There, various rebel groups and militias fight against government forces.

Wanted for genocide in Darfur

Al-Baschirist has been in power in Sudan since a military coup in 1989, since 1993 he is president of country. The International Criminal Court in The Hague (ICC) imposed 2009 and 2010 Haftbefehlegegen him, since n he was sought with an international arrest warrant. This means that Member States of ICC will have to take it as soon as y enter ir country. However, this has never happened.

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Finally, in mid-December ICC had asked Turkish PräsidentenRecep Tayyip Erdoğan to admit al-Bashir at a meeting derOrganisation for Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in Istanbul. Erdoğan, who had defended SudansPräsidenten against accusations of Hague court in past, called this demand “laughable”.

Al-Bashir are accused of war crimes, crimes against humanity UndVölkermord. According to UN data, 300,000 people were killed in ProvinzDarfur since 2003 in a conflict between government and rebels.