More and more people are eliminating gluten-containing products from ir diet. This shows turnover of “gluten-free” foods, which doubled in one year, reaching 78 million euros in 2014. This regime is particularly indicated in treatment of celiac disease.

According to DrSchär Institute, 1 to 6% of French would be affected. But many people who say y are sensitive to gluten have mselves adopted this regime. And that despite lack of diagnosis. Does everyone really have to be wary of gluten?

Gluten is a set of proteins present in many cereals such as wheat, barley or rye. Consumed for a long time, it is found in foods such as cakes, pasta or even beer. The food industry also uses it as a texture agent.

Celiac disease at origin of gluten-free diet

But some people don’t tolerate it. When ingesting, gluten causes an abnormal immune response resulting in degradation of walls of small intestine. Eventually, surface of intestine reduces and causes poor absorption of food. This causes food deficiencies and stunts in children. For adults, it causes diarrhea, weight loss, muscle pain and osteoporosis.

Patients not treating this disease have a high risk of complications. This also accentuates overall risk of cancer, small bowel tumours and malignant lymphomas. However, according to French Association of gluten intolerant (Afdiag), 80% of cases of celiac disease would not be diagnosed.

The origin of pathology remains uncertain although a study published in AGA Journal suggests that origin would be genetic. Or factors would be involved, such as environmental, infectious, viral or bacterial factors. The only treatment today possible is total eviction of gluten from diet of sick.

Self diagnosis and food deficiencies

According to a study published in NBCI, almost 13% of people who follow a gluten-free diet have diagnosed mselves without medical advice and this figure is increasing each year. Brands, supermarkets and restaurants that offer gluten-free products surf wave and proliferate in France. Yet a study published in BMJ (British Medical journal) shows that people without pathology, who adopt a gluten-free diet, would have a greater chance of developing cardiovascular diseases.

Between its slimming virtues winded by stars and its ability to facilitate digestion, benefits lent to gluten-free diet are numerous. Although some people who adopt it testify that y have experienced improvements, medical community is still debating its effects on healthy people.