Caregivers are between 8 and 12 million in France, but you never hear m, or almost. When one is interested in m, as in this October 6, National Caregiver Day, it is first to relatives of disabled or elderly people that we think. “A very unselfish elderly person living at home is assisted by professionals on average 2 h 10 a day against 5 H 15 a day by his entourage,” explains Figaro Hélène Rossinot. The young intern in medicine is president of network of European public health interns, Euronet Platform. “A study by France Alzheimer believes that caregiver of a person suffering from disease spends 6 h 30 per day of effective work!” she adds.

But it was to workload of anor category of caregivers that Hélène Rossinot was interested in, in a sis work she presented on October 5: Family Caregivers in home hospitalization (had).

A method of hospitalization

The had is being promoted by Ministry of Health since beginning of 2000 years, but it has only been since 2009 that it has become a mode of hospitalization in its own right. With some hypocrisy all same. For if principle is to organize, under coordination of treating physician, interventions of various health professionals at home in order to deliver hospital-type care, presence of a relative (caregiver or guard) at home is often also required.

“Even if caregivers are happy that ir loved ones are at home,” notes Hélène Rossinot, y are quickly faced with two kinds of difficulties. First of all, difficulties related to disease, because it is very heavy to have at home a demented loved one, suffering from a serious illness or at end of life. “There is pain and suffering inherent in that.” With this double constraint of not wanting to show anything, but also to feel guilty if urge to complain is felt: “But how can you say that you do not feel good when re is a real sick at home?” “The second difficulty is related to organization of had itself,” explains Hélène Rossinot, because many speakers come to house and intimacy is put to harm. It is also necessary to count with stocks of medicines and sometimes installation nursing at home, often very invasive.

Very modest aid

Sometimes-often-it is physical and mental health of family caregivers who end up being reached, subject to ” physical compulsion caused by daily activity and a moral constraint due to responsibility of caring for a person little or Non-Self-governing, she adds.

Finally, family caregivers tend to seek help only at extreme limit, aware that without m home-keeping would become impossible. However, associations dedicated to m begin to emerge such as French Association of caregivers.

“We must remain optimistic because signals are going in right direction”

In end, aid that exists (Miscellaneous aid, universal service cheques, leave without pay, etc.) seems to be quite modest in face of magnitude of efforts required of caregivers. However, government has a vested interest in favouring had, notes Hélène Rossinot, since average cost of a day was estimated at 196 euros against 703 euros for a day of traditional hospitalization by High Council for future of Medicare. “

“We must remain optimistic, because signals are going in right direction,” says 27-year-old woman, unhappy candidate for her first attempt at legislation in Meur-et-Oselle and committed to marching! From last November. For example, establishment of a right to respite for caregiver of an elderly person, in form of a day care or temporary accommodation that can be financed up to EUR 500 per annum beyond abs ceilings.

“It is of course insufficient, but it is only beginning!”, she believes, before inviting a reflection around articulation between city and hospital to continue to extend had. “The patient must not suffer organizational problems of institutions, and it is not role of caregivers to ensure communication between all institutions because y cannot do it mselves.”