The timing is perfect. On eve of launch of 2017-2018 seasonal flu vaccination campaign on Friday, health professionals gared at 70es interviews, whose Figaro is a partner, will be able to be vaccinated gracefully.

Last year 360 of 4000 delegates went through “vaccination kiosk” set up by ARS Ile-de-France, Medicare with city of Paris and Ministry of Health. A strong symbol, Minister Agnes Buzyn could also take advantage of her visit to talks on Thursday 5 October to get vaccinated. Especially since our country would hold “world record of distrust”, towards vaccination: 41% of French, compared to 12% in world. The challenge is to convince population but also caregivers.

“85% of health professionals in contact with fragile people”

Among health professionals, according to a survey conducted last February with 3000 respondents (FSNB Health Care), including a majority of nurses, half does not plan to get vaccinated against seasonal influenza! In addition to protecting oneself, it is a question of avoiding contaminating vulnerable people.

Thus, public health Code specifies type of caregiver to be vaccinated: “A person who, in a public or private institution or agency for prevention of care or housing elderly persons, carries on a professional activity exhibitor or “Exposing persons to whom it is responsible for risk of contamination.”

41% of French people are wary of vaccination, “a world record”

Particularly vulnerable to influenza are children, sick, pregnant women and elderly, in whom natural immunity but also immunity conferred by vaccination are weakened. “In more than 85% of cases, health professionals we interviewed were in contact with fragile people,” says Dr. Sarkozy.

Although highly recommended, vaccination of caregivers is not formally obligatory. “Article L3111-4 of Code of public health makes vaccination against flu of health professionals compulsory, but decree 2006-1260 of 14 October 2006 suspended this vaccination obligation”, notes Prof. Jean-Louis Karudath, of site integrated into World Health Organization’s Vaccine safety Network.

“Immunization of caregivers is important for exemplary”

Because of moderate efficacy of vaccination. In adults, it “does not exceed 70% and decreases sharply when circulating strains are not contained in vaccines,” says Prof. Karudath, while adding that “Despite se limitations, vaccination is most effective means of preventing Flu “.

Moreover, if it is assumed that “immunization of caregivers can only help to reduce mortality and morbidity of elderly people in long-stay services, reduce number of influenza infections and to a lesser extent absenteeism”, Professor Koech brings anor downside, ” studies available today are tainted with bias and do not provide evidence of se benefits”.

“Young caregivers are less likely to get vaccinated than ors”

Dr François Sarkozy, chairman of organizing committee of Bichat talks

“Not everyone is necessarily aware of need to protect ors,” says Dr. François Sarkozy, chair of bichat organizing committee, health professionals are also French as well as ors.

“The vaccination of caregivers is also important for exemplary, and some wonder if vaccination obligation should not be imposed on m,” says Sarkozy, “this is a debate that should be taken, because our survey shows that young people Caregivers are less likely to get vaccinated than ors.

Questioned by Figaro, College of Physicians says “in favour of a flu vaccination obligation for doctors who are in contact with patients, medical ethics reminding that Doctor is in service of individual and public health”.

Dr. Patrick Black, President of order, did not mince his words last January: “We take our responsibilities by affirming it.” We take m, by acting discipline, and often on ir own, against those who contribute to this vaccine retreat. To State today to take responsibility for nation and citizens.

Big Bang Santé, House of Chemistry in Paris, 26 October 2017, from 8.30 am to 7 pm

» Discover 2nd edition 2017