Éveline Lépinay wrote a page in the history of the Louis-Després Invitation by signing the fourth title of her career.

In the 25 years of the tournament, which brings together the best racquets in the Quebec region, Lépinay is the first to win four titles for both women and men.

In a hotly contested final, which stretched over 2 hours 15 minutes, on Friday at the Avantage club, Lépinay overcame a difficult start to the match to win in three sets of 2-6, 7-5 and 7-5 in front of tournament favorite Mireille Moreau who was also in search of a fourth title after winning the last three editions in 2017, 2018 and 2019.

Pandemic obliges, the tournament had not been presented in the last two years.

“It’s my most special title among the four,” said Lépinay. This is the most beautiful final in which I have been involved at Louis-Després. In 16 years of tennis, it’s also one of the toughest matches I’ve been involved in. »

The youngest Louis-Després champion in 2010 when she was only 14 years old, Lépinay also won in 2013 and 2016, but she had skipped the event in the last two years.

“I only started tennis again this year once a week,” she said. It is difficult to find leagues for 18-35 year olds. After tennis, I started CrossFit. »

“I should have done both when I was playing tennis,” she added. I’m stronger and my shots are more powerful even though I’m not in tennis form. »

After a long evening in the field, Lépinay will take part in a CrossFit competition this morning in Montreal. She is qualified for the nationals which will take place in September.

Flowers for the winner

Color holder of the Laval University Rouge et Or and former UConn Huskies in the NCAA, Moreau paid tribute to his opponent.

“Éveline was tougher than me,” she explained. She is in better shape than me and she was better in all aspects. She was bringing all the punches back and it was getting mentally difficult not being able to finish the points. In addition to being solid defensively, she was able to attack. She presented a full game. »

Despite an easy win in the first set, Moreau knew his opponent wouldn’t give up.

“I’ve known Éveline for a long time and I know she’s a tough player,” she said. I’m disappointed because I wanted to win, but I’m going to roll up my sleeves. »

For her part, Lépinay believed in her chances even if she only plays once a week.

“When I entered the tournament, it was in the spirit of winning,” she said. I’m super happy. I missed several shots in the first set and I knew I would have a chance if I could eliminate the errors. Leading 4-2 in the second set, I had the opportunity to make it 5-2, but Mireille closed the gap. I then began to doubt my chances. »

Absent from the Louis-Després Invitation since 2017, Lépinay intends to return to defend his title next year.

“I really like this event. In Quebec, the Louis-Després is the Christmas of tennis when everyone comes together. »

At the time of writing, the men’s final between favorite Maxime St-Hilaire and Elliot Bisson had only just begun. Canadian U-14 and U-16 champion in recent years, St-Hilaire is playing his first Louis-Després as Bisson won the title in 2016.