Because she is “white”, the percussionist Mélissa Lavergne, recently appointed to be spokesperson for the 36th edition of the Festival Nuits d’Afrique, had to withdraw, in particular under the pressure of a small radicalized communitarian constellation which considers that the role she was supposed to play, the time of a festival, could only be held by a “Black” or a “Black”…

Whatever we say to justify this pathetic sectarian posture, Mélissa Lavergne has purely and simply been the victim of discrimination. What these same people regularly (and rightly) denounce with regard to them…

Moreover, Mélissa Lavergne is not a sham. She has Africa tattooed in her heart. She is inspired by its subtleties and embodies it in her art probably better than 99.9% of the people who opposed the idea of ​​her being the spokesperson for this festival.

This is not a precedent

This aberration is reminiscent of the one surrounding the cancellation of the show SLĀV in 2018, during the 39th Festival international de jazz de Montréal. A dangerous precedent that certainly paved the way for what is happening today with Mélissa Lavergne and the 36th edition of the Festival Nuits d’Afrique.

For those who have forgotten, remember that SLĀV was a show inspired by various chapters in the history of black slavery in America. A show prepared by two “whites”, Robert Lepage and Betty Bonifassi.

But, for some radicalized individuals on the left, it was out of the question that SLĀV be directed by Robert Lepage, a “white”. There was also no question that the main role of this play would be interpreted by Betty Bonifassi, a “white”.

The SLĀV affair had even found an echo in the pages of the New York Times, the American Billboard and the Guardian. Consequently, the Montreal International Jazz Festival had withdrawn SLĀV from its program…

By making the Other hostage to their skin color, the followers of communitarianism have once again demonstrated their discriminatory potential.

We are in Quebec

We have chosen Living Together in Quebec; interculturalism. Not separate Living; multiculturalism, incubator of communitarianism, watershed of discrimination, racism and sectarian aberrations.

In Quebec, we are legion to combine and bring together talents and energies in order to reduce racism and discrimination. We are more inclined to recognize the universality of every individual instead of making them hostage to their skin color.

So, faced with those who make melanin a fundamental selection criterion for promoting African music in particular through the media in Quebec, we must say no.

Unless it escaped me, I have not heard “whites” in Quebec complain when “blacks” were called upon to play leading roles, particularly on the occasion of the National Day, or even within the framework of the highest academic or political office.