Five new police officers will join the Mohawk Police Service of Akwesasne equipped with a new boat, all-terrain vehicles, and snowmobiles to arrest and deter firearms smugglers.

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The Government of Quebec has granted $6.2 million over five years to the Mohawk Police Service of Akwesasne as part of the objectives of CENTAURE, the Quebec strategy to combat armed violence.

“Since its deployment, CENTAURE has increased the pressure on criminal networks in Quebec. Numerous interventions have led to arrests and seizures of firearms. And it continues, ”said Geneviève Guilbault, Minister of Public Security, on Thursday.

The Mohawk Police Service of Akwesasne, which currently has a water patrol, will thus be provided with five additional police officers, a new boat, all-terrain vehicles and snowmobiles.

The additional patrol will ensure a police presence on the waters 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, especially in winter when the police use snowmobiles and all-terrain vehicles to patrol the banks of the St. Lawrence.

The territory of Akwesasne, located along the St. Lawrence River, includes several islands, and straddles Quebec, Ontario and New York State.