The Bank of Spain has raised the budget it has allocated to the contracting of electricity supply by 78% for 2023, to an approximate amount of 4.70 million euros (VAT excluded), according to the State Contracting portal consulted by Europe Press.
Specifically, the supervisor has put out to tender this year the supply of electricity, both high and low voltage, to its headquarters and branches in Madrid and the rest of Spain. It is a contract that lasts one year, although it can be extended for another year, which would mean that the successful bidder would also supply electricity to the Bank of Spain in 2024.
In March, the supervisor announced a first tender for an amount of 4.33 million euros (excluding VAT) for the first year of the contract, which represented 64% more compared to the amount offered in 2020, of 2.63 million euros. euros. It should be noted that this tender consists of two lots: one for the supply of high voltage and the other for low voltage.
However, at the end of September, it announced that one of the two lots, the low-voltage one, had been abandoned, for which reason it has been put out to tender again urgently and at a higher price, before the end, on December 31, of the previous contract tendered in 2020. In this way, the amount offered would be around 4.70 million euros (VAT excluded), 78% more than in 2020.
In March, the estimated value of the contract, including the one-year extension, was 9.97 million euros (VAT excluded), 81% more than in 2020, when the total amount of the tender was 5.23 million of euros.
In 2018, the supervisor tendered this supply for 2019 for an amount (without VAT) of 2.44 million euros, although the total value, including the extension, rose to 4.98 million euros (a figure also exempt from VAT). That year, the successful bidders were Enérgya-VM for the high voltage lot and Nexus Energía, for the low voltage lot.
In 2020, the year of the pandemic, the Bank of Spain tendered the supply for 2.63 million euros, 8% more than in 2018, although including the extension, the value of the contract rose to 5.23 million euros . On that occasion, the successful bidders were Iberdrola for the high-voltage lot and Naturgy for the low-voltage lot.