The European Central Bank (ECB) has informed Bankinter that by 2023 it must comply with the same minimum capital requirement that it required for this year, within the supervisory evaluation and review process (SREP).

The supervisor considers that Bankinter’s risk profile remains unchanged and, therefore, leaves the minimum capital required unchanged. The bank continues to be positioned, thus, within the group of Spanish and European entities with the lowest requirement, “a fact that is influenced by the traditional prudence in the risk policy developed by Bankinter”, according to the entity.

Specifically, the ECB requires the bank to have a main capital level or CET 1 (Common Equity Tier 1) in consolidated mode of 7.726%, while the total capital ratio required will remain at 11.79%, without variations with respect to the last demand.

The CET1 requirement is made up of a minimum CET1 level required by Pillar 1 of 4.50%, the Pillar 2 (P2R) requirement and the capital conservation buffer of 2.50%.

These minimum ratios include a capital requirement for P2R of 1.29% (0.726% is covered by CET1), of which 0.09% are determined on the basis of the ECB’s prudential provisioning expectations.

Bankinter reports that at the end of September, that is, before the end of the year, these two solvency parameters not only already met the aforementioned ECB requirements, but they were well above them: e CET 1 fully loaded was 11.90%, while the total capital ratio closed at 15.2%.

Bankinter affirms that “it will continue working to maintain an adequate level of solvency in line with its prudent risk profile”.