BBVA has been recognized by BankTrack as the leading Spanish financial institution in the field of human rights in its comparative analysis ‘The BankTrack Global Human Rights Benchmark 2022’.

With a total rating of 7.5 points, the bank continues to be among the top ten financial entities globally in the ranking prepared by the NGO, as explained by the entity itself.

For the final score, BankTrack uses 14 parameters based on four blocks of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. These contemplate the adoption of a policy of commitment to human rights; launching a due diligence process; the presentation of public information; and the repair of the potential negative impact of the financial institution on human rights.

BBVA has obtained the highest rating in the parameters that measure the implementation of human rights policies and their scope. Since the last publication of the report in 2019, there have been only 26 banks –of the 50 analyzed– that have published their human rights policies or updated them.

For its part, the bank published the update of its policies in the ‘BBVA and Human Rights’ report in 2022. The document includes the scope and methodology of the second due diligence process in this matter, as well as the mitigation plans that arose from root of it. The bank’s first human rights policy was published in 2007.