In the middle of the construction holiday period, many Quebecers will take the opportunity to go on a boat trip, but caution is required to get back safely, which is why the Memphremagog police, in Estrie, will be omnipresent throughout the weekend on the bodies of water.

Since the beginning of the summer, police officers from the Régie de police Memphrémagog have been patrolling the lakes and rivers in its territory.

So far, they have issued 36 tickets and nabbed two drunk drivers.

They will therefore be very visible this weekend and warn boaters that dams will be made.

Éduc’Alcool and the Société de libération du Québec estimate that one alcoholic drink consumed on the water is equivalent to the effect of three on dry land.

“With the sun and the wind we are often in a state of dehydration, add to that the waves which affect our balance,” said the director general of the Quebec Lifesaving Society, Raynald Hawkins.

He added that four in 10 adults who drown in Quebec have alcohol in their blood, according to coroner’s reports.

“As much for drivers as for other boaters, it is better to wait to arrive safely before consuming alcohol if we want to have great anecdotes to count rather than a drama to experience for our loved ones”, a he mentioned.