The European Commission has delivered this Friday to Spain the third tranche of the Recovery and Resilience fund, endowed with 6,000 million euros, after concluding the required milestones and reforms and receiving the approval of the Twenty-seven.
These 6,000 million thus add to the 31,036 million euros already received, including the advance of 9,036 million and the 22,000 million of the first two tranches of this mechanism created to help Member States recover from the Covid-19 pandemic and which provides for Spain a total amount of more than 77,000 million euros.
With the payment to Spain this Friday, Brussels has already disbursed more than 150,000 million euros to the Member States within the framework of the Recovery and Resilience mechanism.
In this way, Spain becomes the first Member State to receive the third disbursement of the ‘Next Generation EU’ funds, after requesting it last November and having fulfilled the 29 milestones and reforms that it entailed.
This third disbursement was subject to the reform of the insolvency law, the modernization of the professional training system, the prevention of tax evasion and fraud, and included measures to promote renewables, investments in sustainable transport or reinforcement of the health system, as well as the connection of inclusion policies with the minimum income regime.
The entry into force of the reform of the Bankruptcy Law has contributed to this, which establishes a second chance procedure and introduces a special procedure aimed at micro-SMEs that reduces the duration and cost of the same and that will be processed entirely by electronic means.
In the educational field, one of the milestones consists of the entry into force of the Law on the Comprehensive Vocational Training System, whose purpose is to regulate a regime of professional training and accompaniment capable of responding flexibly to the interests and aspirations of professional qualification. of people throughout their lives and the skills demanded by the new productive and sectoral needs.
On the other hand, with regard to pensions, the reform of the Social Security contribution system for self-employed workers has been carried out to gradually implement a new contribution system based on real income.
The third payment also included the reform of the social security and pension contribution system for the self-employed, milestone 411, what the reform will do is change gradually until 2032, change the contribution base for the self-employed so that it is based on on your actual income.
Spain will now have to face the fulfillment of the 58 milestones to which the fourth payment is subject, endowed with 10,000 million euros, including four directly linked to the reform of the pension system.