He denies that short positions are a way to attack companies


The president of the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV), Rodrigo Buenaventura, has assured that the analysis of the information required from Grifols “is very advanced” and that the supervisory body’s intention is to make its conclusions public “as soon as possible.” .

This is how he spoke this Wednesday during his participation in the ‘Finance Summit Day’ that was held at the Casa de Convalescència in Barcelona, ​​organized by the Association for the Progress of Management (APD), Tickelia, AON and Expense Reduction Analysts, and after the third attack by Gotham City Research against the blood products company, whose shares plummeted more than 16% at 2:30 p.m.

Buenaventura has explained that the supervisor’s “number one” priority is to clarify the situation in relation to the financial information published by Grifols and the Gotham City report that questions it.

He has also explained that all the required information has been received, as well as additional clarifications and that the intention is to make its conclusions public “as soon as possible.”

The president of the CNMV, finally, has taken the opportunity to defend the function of short positions in financial markets, since they “add value to the market and make it more liquid”, and has denied that it is a way of attacking companies.