A firm limburg diy and a wholesaler have given formal notice to the belgian State for the input masks of the mouth, indicates Wednesday, the newspaper Het Belang van Limburg. According to attorney Tom Thijsen, who is also the mayor of Kortessem, the ministerial decree must first be covered by an arrĂȘtĂ©-royal so that the authorities can seize.

A ministerial decree of march 23, has established that the sales of masks of the mouth could not be done in the pharmacies because of a shortage for caregivers. The firm limburg in question had always sold out of the masks despite the ban and the ministry of Economics had seized 3,000 surgical masks and 670 masks FFP2. The surgical masks have been returned since, because they can be sold in supermarkets. However, the masks FFP2, sold only in pharmacies, were not returned.