
  • Page 1 — 1,100, 00 Euro per month for a 80-hour week
  • Page 2 — Macron fights for preservation of EU subsidies
  • Page 3 — “People want to eat better, but y don’t want to pay for it”
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    GaetanBoutin Striegelt Lagulle with KräftigenBürstenstrichen until fur of Holstein dairy cow is almost as glänztwie as a wet face. Still a little “FinalMist” spray cans, n animal is ready for performance show of regional Agricultural Fair imnordfranzösischenTilloy-les-Mofflaines. The plump udder has already rubbed boutin with paraffin oil before. Now veins appear prominently for jurors. “Such competitions only take part in best companies”, says farmer and stroked under her forehead of his cow. But 42-year-old does not know for himself wher he will be re again in two years at next fair.

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    Many French farmers fear for ir existence. The reasons: The fallen prices fürMilch and meat, competition from foreign products and diegeplante reduction of EU subsidies. The French farmers are by far meistenGelder from EU pots. And France’s head of state Emmanuel Macron completely exempted m from SeinenReformplänenfast. WährendMacron all or sectors of economy to competition, farmers are supposed to continue doing so Dürfenwie so far.

    A family can’t afford farmer Boutin

    “Esrechnet is not,” says Bauer Boutin. “Icharbeite 80 hours per week and only come to a monatlichesGehalt of 1,100 euro.” Since 38,000 euro has already been included, this farm in Picardy recently received by EU for cereal cultivation on 140 hectares of land. A family könneer can’t afford it.

    Farmer Gaetan Boutin with his cow Lagulle at agricultural fair in norrn France Tilloy-les-Mofflaines © Karin Finchen Zeller

    A few meters furr, LoïcLambertyn complains about same problem: “MeineFamilie with three children mainly lives on salary of my wife, who works as a lab assistant.” The 42-year-old has travelled to agricultural fair with four of his 25Rinder. They belong to breed of BlondeAquitaine, which is popular because of its high slaughter yield. “A kilogram of meat currently does not exceed 4 euros. Four or five years ago, it was at least 4.80 euros, “says Lambertyn. He has received about 22,000 euros from EU in VergangenenJahren each.

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    91Prozent of agricultural holdings in France ErhaltenGelder in framework of EU agricultural subsidies. On average, eszuletzt were 27,000 euros per year and yard. For some farmers this was Hälftedes income, because most farms are small. Taillehumaine, humane size, French call se small farms. But y are seldom competitive. With last 9.1 billion euro, France was refore with Abstandvor Germany and Spain größterProfiteur so-called Common agricultural policy (CAP). Which made up bisher38 percent of JährlichenEU budget.