The Andalusian Association of Family and Community Nursing (Asanec) has defended this Tuesday that the implementation of the proposed law regarding the free optical and visual health products “would not only reduce the incidence of vision problems and their associated consequences, but would also translate into a lower burden on the health system.

In a parliamentary appearance, at the request of the table processing the bill, Asanec highlighted that “visual health is a fundamental right that must be protected, especially in the case of boys and girls, who are particularly vulnerable to problems.” of vision, as well as the elderly who may suffer increased dependency and falls due to vision defects in addition to other diseases.

The first vice president of this scientific society, Eva Almán, has said that “the bill goes in the right direction to guarantee universal access to eye health”, but has recommended that the Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs “develop and implement a rapid and effective public financing system”, also requesting that “a catalog of optical and visual health products be developed that is broad and covers the needs of the entire population.”

To this end, Almán has recommended that the Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs involve Family and Community Nursing professionals in the design and implementation of the public financing system, since “these professionals have a deep knowledge of the health needs of the population and can help ensure that the system is effective and efficient.

“Family and community nursing has health promotion as one of its priority objectives and this bill would contribute to this goal by facilitating the population’s access to the products and services necessary to maintain good eye health,” he stressed. the person in charge of Asanec. Likewise, the head of the Andalusian Association of Family and Community Nursing has highlighted that “the proposed law”, by facilitating access to visual examinations, “would contribute to the early detection of vision problems.” “Early detection of these problems is essential to be able to treat them in a timely manner and prevent them from progressing causing serious complications,” Almán explained.

In this way, “the quality of life of people with vision problems would be improved.” “We must take into account,” pointed out the first vice president of Asanec, that “vision problems can have a significant impact on the quality of life of people who suffer from them.” Therefore, “facilitating access to optical and visual health products would contribute to improving the quality of life of these people, a goal for all professionals who are dedicated to family and community care,” said Almán.

For these reasons, Asanec, as a scientific society and Andalusian Association of Family and Community Nursing, has supported the approval of this law, considering it “a step forward in favor of the quality of life of the Andalusian population” and has requested “greater attention to the most vulnerable population sectors, with effective financing and prevention programs”.

It should be remembered that the main objective of the proposed law to be processed before the Board of the Congress of Deputies regarding the free use of optical and visual health products is to guarantee universal and free access to optical and visual health products for the resident population. in the Autonomous Community of Andalusia.

The proposed law also establishes that the Department of Health and Consumer Affairs of the Junta de Andalucía will be in charge of developing and implementing the public financing system, as well as preparing a catalog of optical and visual health products covered by it, among those who could finance prescription glasses, both to correct refractive errors and to protect ocular health; contact lenses, in cases where their use is justified for medical or ocular health reasons and visual examinations performed by optometry or ophthalmology professionals.

Asanec is the Andalusian Community Nursing Association made up of nurses from all over Andalusia who, without profit, work for and for the development of the profession.

Asanec, as a scientific society, pursues the improvement of healthcare quality at the community level from the defense of public health, influencing and dialoguing with the Administrations. Among its purposes is to provide training and research in nursing practice to offer quality care to the community, as well as to collaborate with other scientific societies and associations for the better development of the profession.