BANK CHARGES. The government has announced the publication of a decree enabling the strengthening of the cap on bank charges. It explains concretely what it involves.

Summary Types of bank charges The cap

[updated June 15, 2020 at 16h28] Harmonize the definition of customer so-called “fragile”. It is one of the objectives set by Bruno Le Maire, when he announced at the beginning of June the publication of a decree to strengthen the cap of the expenses of incidents of banking initiated in the framework of the crisis of the yellow vests. In detail, the ceiling will soon be fixed, when the decree will be published – a priori at the end of June -, to 25 euro per month. A client will be “considered fragile from five incidents in banking in a period of one month” , and will have access to the capping of bank charges “for three months” , he explained. “ the people in The situation of over-indebtedness will be considered as fragile states during the entire duration of the registration file of the incidents of refund”, he completed. According to the minister of the Economy, these new conditions should increase the number of beneficiaries of the cap of 15%.

in Addition to the evolution of the cap, an “update of the charter, inclusion banking and prevention of overindebtedness”, and a “decree” to define the “precise information” that the banks must provide to the Bank of France are the order of the day. “During the course of July,” the Bank of France will then have to render an account “of the controls carried out”. It will publish the list of banks who do not play the game of the cap, a “name and shame” (name and brand).

in mid-June, the Crédit Mutuel has announced his side to the final suppression of the expenses incident to banking for its customers with the most fragile, nearly 35 000 clients, the subscribers of the specific offer. “To help customers get out of their difficult situation, they will benefit from ‘rendez-vous rebound’ with their advisor of record”, had said the group in a press release.

What are the different types of bank fees ?

In France, there are several categories of bank charges, which can be related to the implementation of an operation, the provision of a service or to an incident of payment, for example. There are several, of which the following is a non-exhaustive list :

The banking fees related to banking operations or services : account keeping, dues of credit card, issuing of a cheque, bank, management succession, management for an inactive account, etc fees related to payment incidents : rejection sampling there are not enough funds, the rejection of a cheque for lack of funds etc The charges related to incidents bank : opposition of the card by the bank, transfer occasional incomplete information letter for an account debtor not allowed, etc., See the file

How to pay less in bank fees in holidays

what is the cap cost ? Who is concerned ?

In France, only the costs of incidents bank are capped for the customers so-called fragile and who have subscribed to a specific offer from their bank. In detail, the persons concerned are those which are recorded in the central file of the cheques of the Bank of France for over three months, due to an unpaid check, and which have been declared inadmissible to the procedure of over-indebtedness.