In Germany you can swim safely at almost all bathing places. The quality of water is estimated to be good in an EU report: 98 percent of 2,287 rivers, lakes and sea coasts studied meet EU minimum standards for bathing water. According to report, 91.4 percent are even distinguished by excellent quality.

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Eight German bathing sites fell during test – three more than in previous year. In Bavaria it meets Satzdorfer lake in rounding and lake free dish East in Kahl am Main. In Hesse a place on sourn shore of Werra Valley Lake, in Brandenburg Spree lagoon in Lübben. In Baden-Württemberg re was also a gold-scouring bathing lake in Kehl, in Saxony blue Adriatic Sea in Bautzen and in Saxony-Anhalt Lido Reinsdorf. On Baltic Sea, bathing area was criticized in Treme on Strelasund between Stralsund and Rügen, which did not meet requirements even in previous year.

The data on European bathing waters date back to season 2017. Overall, EU examined more than 21,000 bathing sites in EU countries as well as in Albania and Switzerland. The best water quality according to report is in Luxembourg, Malta and Cyprus.

In previous year’s report, EU had certified 97.8 percent of German bathing sites to meet minimum standards. In addition to Strelasund, two bathing places fell on lakes and rivers in Lower Saxony and Baden-Württemberg.