For furr expansion of new capital airport, nearly three billion euros will be needed up to 2030. This was said by Secretary of Finance Margaretha Sudhof in Berlin House of Deputies. Irrespective of this, additional costs would be incurred as a result of postponement of opening, such as operating costs for plant and lack of revenue from shop rental UndLandegebühren. The Willy Brandt Airport is scheduled to go into operation in October 2020.

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At moment airport company still has money available, said Sudhof, which belongs to supervisory board of BER. A loan of three-digit millions of shareholders and a bank loan of more than one billion euros were refore not yet used. According to Sudhof, airport will be very profitable in operation.

Airport chief Engelbert Lütke Daldrup wants to double capacity of BER to 2030 to 55 million passengers per year. A new financial plan is to be planned in spring 2018. The cost of airport project has risen from two to 6.5 billion euros since start of construction 2006, partly because of significant increase in airports.

The airport was supposed to be in operation after five years of construction 2011. However, all opening dates have not been adhered to since planning errors, construction deficiencies and technical problems have to be worked out. Especially fire protection makes trouble. The planned start-up 2012 had to be cancelled four weeks before.