PREMIUM NURSING COVID. The decree on the premium “Covid” caregivers in first line against the coronavirus was published in the official Journal. Here’s what it provides.

Summary Function public hospital long-term care-public Service of State territorial public Service

[updated on may 15, 2020 at 10h21] there are Many caregivers who are waiting. The exceptional bonus called “Covid” for carers in the front line against the virus Covid-19 has finally been made official by decree on Friday. As a reminder, it is défiscalisée and exempt from social contributions. It is only for people who have “exercised their duties in an effective manner” in the public health institutions “between 1 march and 30 April 2020”, one can read in the decree. For the staff of the hospitals of the armed forces, also affected by the premium payment, the reference period begins on 24 march. At what amount should you expect ? We made the point in detail. You will also find in our article all the information about the bonuses for the other officers of the public Service.

I am a caregiver, what is the premium for the public service hospital ?

the president of the Republic had promised during a speech, it takes the form finally, through the decree published in the official Journal. As a reminder, the amount differs depending on the department, more or less exposed to the epidemic. This is what awaits you, in detail :

1 500 euros “for all personal health services that manage the crisis,” health : the bulk of the departments concerned are located in the north and east of France. They include all of the departments of the Île-de-France ( Hauts-de-Seine, Seine-Saint-Denis, Seine-et-Marne, Paris, Yvelines, Essonne, Val-de-Marne and Val d’oise ), Greater Is ( Haut-Rhin, Bas-Rhin, Meuse, Moselle, Meurthe-et-Moselle, Haute-Marne, Vosges, Ardennes, Aube, Marne ), of the Hauts-de-France ( Somme, Oise, Aisne, Pas-de-Calais, Nord ) and of the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté ( Yonne, Nièvre, Côte-d’or, Saône-et-Loire, Jura, Doubs, Haute-Saône, territoire de Belfort). of Four departments of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes ( Drôme, Loire, Rhône, Haute-Savoie ) are also included, as well as Eure-et-Loir, the Bouches-du-Rhône , the two departments of Corsica and Mayotte . in € 500 for all health personnel in the other departments.

As stated in the decree issued on Friday, the premium is défiscalisée and free of social security contributions. You wait for its payment, to forward to ? It remained up to now suspended to the publication of the decree. Last Wednesday, the government spokesperson, Sibeth Ndiaye, spoke of a settlement “on the payroll of may or June”. These bonuses should cost a total of € 1.3 billion, according to the ministry of Health.

For the public service hospital specifically, the government had also announced a increase overtime to a maximum of 50% . This represents an average of over 600 euros, said Olivier Véran. “In total, the hospital departments and services in the most tense will be able to perceive, through the premium, and overtime increased, a total amount of the order of € 2000”, estimated the ministry of Health in a press release.

“The government also wished that a premium is paid to personnel who fulfil a mission decisive in long-term care facilities and home care services of the medico-social sector”, added the Prime minister. “We need in the material exchange with the local communities, in particular with the departments who are often the funders, to determine the terms and conditions of funding of this award”.

What is the bonus for the staff of long-term care Facility ?

the staff of The retirement homes will benefit from a bonus. In detail, the premium will amount to 1 500 euros in the 33 counties where the epidemic has been most intense and € 1 000,” said the minister of Health, Olivier Véran in early may. “It will be paid in the next few weeks and défiscalisée”. The conditions for payment of this premium have not yet been clarified to date. A premium will also be paid to institutions in charge of disability,” said the minister.

I am a public servant of State, am I entitled to a premium ?

Yes, but only the agents that pursue their missions in this period of confinement related to the crisis of the sars coronavirus (Covid-19), should benefit. In total, a member of the public Service of five State should be receiving this bonus défiscalisée, of which the maximum amount is eur 1 000 euros or 400 000 people , according to the department of public Accounts. In particular, are concerned with the prison wardens , customs and teachers caring for children of caregivers . You are teleworking ? This last is not, a priori, incompatible with the premium.

A decree issued on Friday unveiled details of the premium for the public service of State and territorial. “The amount of the premium is determined by the employer, in the limit of a ceiling”, says the text e law. “The exceptional bonus is exempt from cotisations and social contributions as well as income tax”. Who is concerned ? It makes the point :

“The magistrates of the judicial order, the officials and contractual agents of the public law of the State, with the exception of those appointed under article 25 of the law of 11 January 1984 referred to above, the territorial collectivities and their public institutions and groups of public interest” ; The military ; The agents contractual private law of public institutions ; The civil and military personnel employed by the State or by its public institutions of an administrative nature in the foreign service, by way of derogation from the last subparagraph of article 2 of the decree of 28 march 1967 referred to above and in article 2 of the decree of October 1, 1997 referred to above ; The staff on contract recruited by the services of the State abroad on labour contracts subject to local law ; The officials placed at his disposal, in application of article 49 of the law of 9 January 1986, referred to above, an administration that can pay the outstanding premium payment referred to in article 1.

What are the amounts that you should expect ? They have been specified in the decree, thus, in function of the mobilization of agents :

rate # 1 : 330 euro ; rate # 2 : 660 euro ; rate # 3 : 1 000 euros.

The cost of the measure is evaluated to 300 million € for the public Service of the State. What is the date of payment ? It will be necessary a priori to wait until the end of the state of public health emergency.

What is the territorial public service ?