CERTIFICATE EMPLOYER CORONAVIRUS. If the phase 2 of the déconfinement begins this Tuesday, June 2, the attestation, the employer was still required for your travels in Ile de France via public transport. Download-on this page.

Summary who is it For ? When ? Who should fill it ? Download the attestation employer’s Attestation of the move

[updated June 1, 2020 at 17h48] The certificate of derogation has already disappeared, the for travel of 100 kilometers in turn becomes the useless from the June 2, but a certificate remains indispensable for phase 2 of the déconfinement : the certificate for the employer to use the public transport of the Ile de France. The public transport of the Ile-de-France are, since the beginning of the déconfinement the 11th of may last, available to all… except during the peak hours.

From 6: 30 to 9: 30 and from 16h to 19h, it is mandatory to be in possession of a certificate proving that you move for compelling reasons, provided by your employer. In other words, the transports are reserved for people who go and come back from work and it will last. The secretary of State for Transport Jean-Baptiste Djebbari said Sunday, may 31, to the antenna BFM TV that the certificate would remain in effect “until at least June 22,” next.Contravening this rule will be subject to a fine of 135 euros. It is therefore appropriate to bring for your travel. Rules, information to be indicated, a document to download, it tells you everything below.

That is concerned with the attestation employer since 11 may ?

Your job may not be exercised in telework, and it is imperative that you make at your place of work ? You are part of the employees forced to have this certification. Announced by the government last Thursday, it responds to the request of the president of the Region, Valérie Pécresse. “The goal is not the questioning, but to give priority to those who are in desperate need of public transport, those who go to work”, defended the president of the region at the microphone of France 2. in

When am I supposed to have on me ?

the president of The Region Île-de-France, Valérie Pécresse, has indicated in a series of tweets posted last Friday : “The certifications employers will be checked from Monday to Friday, the peak hours of 6: 30 a.m. to 9: 30 and from 16h to 19h , outside of these ranges the use of transport will be free , within the limits allowed by the social distancing”. The controls will be carried out “in the large railway stations,” but “outside of these hours, transportation will not be saturated fats are of course open to all”, she confirmed at the microphone of France 2.

Who should complete the attestation employer ? How ?

the prefecture of The region Ile-de-France the reprécise well on its website : the certificate employer should be provided to you and completed by your employer . Here is the information that this document must contain the following :

first and last Name of your employer Its features Your arrival time on your place of work : “between 6.30 am and 7.30 am, between 7.30 am and 8.30 am, between 8: 30 and 9: 30 am, after 9: 30am”. Your departure time your work place : “before 16h, between 16h and 17h, between 17h and 18h, between 18h and 19h, after 19h”. Your last name, first name, date of birth, your home address , the nature and the place of your activity professional, the end date of validity. The stamp and the name of the employer.

The document must be dated. “The period of validity of this proof is determined by the employer,” says-t-on the model provided by the préfecture of the Île-de-France. “ It is not mandatory to renew it every day. This duration should take into account the organisation of the work place by the employer (staff turnover, for example) as well as periods of leave or rest.”

How to download the certificate ?

You don’t know where you get this document ? A model of attestation employer is available on the website of the prefecture of the Île-de-France. Linternaute.com proposes to simplify these steps by making this document available to you, click on the button below :

Download the certificate to employer (PDF) what is the new certificate of travel ?