
Chinese Communist Party Chair Xi Jinping recently expressed his openness to collaborating with Australia for the benefit of both nations and their people. He highlighted the importance of maintaining a healthy and stable relationship between China and Australia, emphasizing that it is in the fundamental and long-term interests of both countries. Xi also pointed out that a strong partnership between the two countries contributes to regional and global peace, stability, development, and prosperity.

Moreover, Xi expressed his willingness to work with Australia to enhance their comprehensive strategic partnership, aiming for a more mature, stable, and fruitful relationship. This collaboration could lead to mutual benefits and opportunities for both China and Australia in various fields.

In addition to his comments on bilateral relations, Xi Jinping congratulated Australia’s new Governor-General, Sam Mostyn. The Governor-General serves as the ceremonial head of state on behalf of the King, carrying out important symbolic functions for the country.

Overall, Xi’s statements reflect a positive outlook on the future of China-Australia relations and the potential for increased cooperation between the two nations. By fostering a strong and mutually beneficial partnership, both countries can work together to address common challenges and achieve shared goals for the benefit of their people and the international community.