New edition of the academic work “Convincing Political Stakeholders”: a unique perspective on specific practices in the representation of interests

Munich, September 15, 2023 (News Aktuell).-

A revised and expanded edition of Professor Klemens Joos’s standard work on interest representation in the European Union, entitled “Convincing Political Stakeholders”, was released on 6 September 2023 (WILEY-VCH Verlag, 1st edition: 2015).

Klemens Joos is the founder of the EUTOP Group, managing partner of the EUXEA Holding corporate group and is an honorary professor of Business Administration and Political Actor Management at the Technical University of Munich (TUM). In a new chapter of the new edition of his book, readers gain a unique perspective, with specific cases, into the concrete practice of government relations work in Brussels, which is often unfairly simplified as the pressure exerted by the lobbies. The revised work focuses on the formula that Professor Joos developed to be successful in representing interests. The new edition provides methodical information for solving problems in complex situations (process over content), as well as a comprehensive description of how the current EU operates (structures and processes in decision-making).

Almost no one knows the “engine room” of the EU as much as Professor Joos, with the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union as the main protagonists. In this way, his book becomes mandatory reading for all actors on the “European Union scenario”, without forgetting the companies, associations, organizations and journalists of the EU Member States, as it instructs about the details of the functioning of the modern EU.

This work also serves as the theoretical basis for the master’s seminar “Management of Political Actors”, which Professor Joos has been teaching at the TUM School of Management since April 2021 (previously at the Faculty of Business Administration of the Ludwig-Maximilian University Munich: 2013-2021).

Professor Gunther Friedl, dean of the TUM School of Management: «Klemens Joos once again discovers new horizons for us with this second edition of his book. He manages to encompass the important distinction between content and process competence, vital for good representation of interests, in a formula that reduces this complex task to its core and central relationships. »

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