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Sabadell, December 22, 2023.

The firm is the first to apply the Second Chance Law in Spain since 2015

In recent times, it is being observed that artificial intelligence has entered various areas. On this occasion, Repara tu Deuda has incorporated a robot as executive director, who has been called Luna. This decision aims to take advantage of AI to assist in the administrative tasks of the law firm and provide guidance in interactions with the most of 20,000 clients. Luna, following the same principle as ChatGPT, plays an advisory role as a human director, highlighting the intention of allowing the firm’s lawyers to spend more time interacting with clients and improving the quality of those interactions. Although it was initially considered to give it a human appearance, that idea was finally abandoned. The new director of Artificial Intelligence, that is, Luna, has demonstrated her great value by helping the office staff in various tasks such as drafting legal policies and Supporting clients in specific situations. According to the human director of the firm, Alicia Garcia, “this introduction of AI does not seek to replace lawyers, but rather to enhance their capabilities to guarantee a high-quality legal service. Artificial intelligence in Repara tu Deba represents an innovative and pioneering approach in the legal sector, which uses AI as a complementary resource, providing guidance and advice to improve our law firm.” This step in Repara tu Deuda reflects an optimistic approach towards AI in the legal field, taking advantage of its capabilities to improve the quality of service and administrative efficiency. Although AI will play a relevant role in decision-making and support, it is not expected to replace lawyers in their fundamental legal roles.

Contact Contact name: David Guerrero Contact description: Press Contact phone: 655956735