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The leading law firm in the Second Chance Law has achieved the cancellation of more than 103 million euros of debt

Repair your Debt Lawyers, the leading law firm in Spain in the processing of the Second Chance Law, has achieved a new debt cancellation in Badalona (Barcelona, ​​Catalonia). Through the management of Repara tu Deuda Lawyers, the Court of First Instance No. 3 of Badalona (Barcelona, ​​Catalonia) has issued a benefit of exoneration of unsatisfied liabilities (Bepi) in the case of Stephanie Mejía, who had accumulated a debt of 19,836 euros to the that I couldn’t cope. SEE SENTENCE. The exonerated assures that, given the result of the process, she is “happy, content, calm. I feel very well.” As she herself admits at the time of the Bepi delivery, she was “in times of need, asking for credits to cover certain expenses. Everything accumulated. There came a time when, between the rent and the child’s expenses, It was difficult for me to pay all the credits”. For this reason, she encourages other people to resort to the Second Chance Law: “you always have to look for opportunities and find serious people like you,” she says. WATCH VIDEO. According to Repara tu Deuda Lawyers, “Spain has been one of the latest countries in the European Union to implement the Second Chance Law, a mechanism designed to cancel the debt of individuals, including to the self-employed. In this way, the Recommendation of the European Commission of the year 2014 was complied with. “Despite having been approved in 2015, many individuals and self-employed are still unaware of the existence of a legal tool that allows them to start from scratch . Other people do not start the process because they cannot afford the high fees that some lawyers request, or because they mistakenly believe that the process is more complicated than it really is. Repair Your Debt Lawyers has helped many of these individuals and freelancers who were in desperate situations and did not know where to ask for help since its beginnings. We can say that at this time it has exceeded the figure of 103 million euros paid to its customers. This legislation helps individuals and freelancers by forgiving their debts if they show that they have acted in good faith, that the amount owed does not exceed 5 million euros, that they cannot assume the payments and that they have not committed any socioeconomic crime in the last ten years. .

ContactContact name: David GuerreroContact description: David GuerreroContact telephone number: 655956735
