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The award was given by the magazine ‘Madrid Magazine’, at a gala that was held last Friday, November 4 at the Hotel Wellington in Madrid

The Chinese businesswoman and consultant Veline Ong has received the “Professional Career” award, which was granted to her in the 8th edition of the awards given annually by the magazine ‘Madrid Magazine’, directed by Clara Tena, at a gala that took place on November 4 at the Hotel Wellington in Madrid, attended by more than 200 people, and in which prominent personalities from the business world were also awarded; artistic, like the actor Fernando Cayo; cultural, such as the humorist Mustache Arrocet, and journalistic, such as Nieves Herrero, Paco Lobatón or Juanma Romero, and which ended with a charity auction in favor of the NGO YAcción. Veline Ong wanted to thank this award received, “to the magazine ‘Madrid Magazine’ and myself too, because it is the fruit of my work, the confidence I have in myself and the struggle and effort I put in every day, despite the hard and difficult years we are living through.” , has stated that “I am very grateful for this award, although I am a discreet businesswoman and I like to work in silence. Now it is time to continue working on many projects that I have underway, in sectors related to real estate, high technology, food, start-ups, tourism, healthcare, health and beauty, renewable energy and franchise chains”. However, and as Veline Ong says, “given the times we live in today, with the covid war Ukraine, the world crisis…, I am transforming all businesses to the online channel, which is very successful and, most importantly, it has no borders, it works anywhere, and that is what I am focusing on now, because it is what they demand consumers and because it is already the present”. Finally, she adds that “I receive this award with great affection, since it has a social purpose of helping the NGO Y Acción, and it will surely help me in my work as a businesswoman and consultant, a facet in which I continue training and doing market research to offer what customers really need. And I also want to continue contributing to improving the economic situation and teaching young entrepreneurs so that they choose well the business path they want to follow and know how to manage their finances correctly.” About Veline Ong Veline Ong was born in Shanghai (China). She became an orphan mother at the age of 13 and went to live in Singapore, where she studied Marketing and Public Relations.She later obtained a scholarship to go to New York, a city where she stayed from the ages of 20 to 23. From there she moved to Spain to finish their studies and establish their residence. Currently, Veline Ong is a partner of a high-level consulting company between China and Spain, where they advise companies from both countries on large real estate, import and export, and high-tech investments. , a professional job that has made her one of the most influential women in business with the Asian giant. In turn, Veline Ong is a caring woman, since she collaborates a with the NGO Messengers of Peace, founded by Father Ángel. In addition, during the pandemic, it has participated together with the Chinese community in Spain, to obtain free masks and protective equipment for toilets, police and hospitals. All Veline Ong’s news on social networks can be followed at: https://www. facebook.com/veline.ong/ link link

ContactContact name: Juan Carlos Martín JiménezContact description: Department of CommunicationContact telephone number: 607999866