Germany’s leading Economists such as Clemens Fuest, President of the Ifo Institute, and Ex-economist Peter Bofinger warn the Federal government of the dramatic consequences of the Corona epidemic. From your point of view, recently adopted by the Federal government relief for the economy is not enough.

it Should come in a larger style to corporate insolvencies, would have to take the state threatened companies that is your advice. This would be analogous to the rescue of banks in the financial crisis of 2008/2009, according to the experts.

survey of the Hotel and restaurant Association shows naked afraid

of The German Hotel and restaurant Association (DEHOGA Bundesverband) confirmed the pessimistic view of the experts. In a recent industry survey, the industry determined that “more than three-quarters of the participating 10,000 Hotels, Restaurants and caterers to loss of revenue” to complain.

the Association’s President, Guido Zöllick warned: Many a member of massive losses, not to compensate for threatened farms”. Many of our small and medium-sized enterprises have no buffer.“ Zöllick not commented on the risk of business bankruptcies, but a lot of workers to fear in the service professions about their Jobs. Travel and congresses from falling, so that overnight guests are missing. Also, the Restaurants remain empty.

Bayern says all the major events from

The situation is likely to worsen further. On Tuesday, Bavaria’s Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU), announced that the free state says all of the events with more than 1000 visitors. The scheme shall apply until the end of the Easter holidays on 19. April.

waiters and stalls operators loss of revenue

to suffer now to experience the Munich gastronomy Catching hard times. The guests do not come easy. Waitress Carmen Dragon from the “Wirtshaus Zum Stifl” in the vicinity of the Marie square, reported the “Bild”newspaper: “We have 20 percent fewer guests. Just large tables with 40 to 60 people say.“ In many cases, companies out of fear of Corona would cancel.

a waitress Carmen has observed that many guests disinfectant have. “Some of the brush so that the entire table before you order, she says, resigned.

Not very far from the “Wirtshaus Zum Stifl” Elke fat your Stand “fragrant delicacy” on the Viktualienmarkt. The sprightly 75-Year-old by attacks and prohibits potential customers, touching anything: “Here at the Viktualienmarkt, we have many tourists who might have the Virus,” she quotes the report.

Small Berlin taxi entrepreneur does not fear Broke

The Virus, but only in Munich, also in the Federal capital is suffering from many industries. “The economic consequences mean bankruptcy for many entrepreneurs”, – quotes the “Bild”newspaper the Chairman of the Berlin Taxi Guild, Leszek Nadolski. A large part of the 8000 drivers are small business owners.

your economic situation is dramatic, the report said. The small business entrepreneurs pay only for your vehicle on a monthly basis for around 600 Euro. The health insurance contributions in full, around 400 euros. The list of expenses goes on: comprehensive insurance (€150), and fees for professional and trade Association in the amount of 50 Euro.

All the bottom line is 1200 Euro monthly fixed costs. And then the tax authorities come and demand his share in the Form of advance tax payments. Nadolski makes it clear: “And then the vehicle has not been moved yet.”

Furious Jürgen Klopp compresses journalists to question the Coronavirus together Omnisport Furious Jürgen Klopp compresses journalists to question the Coronavirus together

mbe/with Material of the dpa