
The United States is experiencing a significant increase in power consumption due to the rise of AI data centers, electrification, and industrial growth. As the country progresses, it is crucial to upgrade the power grid to meet the growing energy demands. Constructing new transmission lines requires a significant amount of time and investment. However, with the increasing need for renewable energy sources to achieve net-zero targets, interim measures can be implemented to ensure reliable and affordable electricity to support the expanding economy.

Grid-enhancing technologies (GETs) play a vital role in enhancing the capacity, efficiency, reliability, and safety of existing transmission lines. These technologies, whether hardware or software-based, can help reduce congestion costs, improve the integration of renewables, and boost capacity and reliability. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, GETs can defer or minimize the necessity for substantial investments in new infrastructure projects, while maximizing the use of renewable energy sources.

Power companies are exploring various options to enhance delivery capacity in support of energy transition goals and the increasing demand from AI and manufacturing industries. The recent Energy Future Forum emphasized the urgency of addressing these challenges. The U.S. Department of Energy’s “National Transmission Needs Study” highlighted the pressing need for additional transmission infrastructure across all regions of the country. The study projects a significant increase in regional and interregional transmission capacity by 2035 to meet the growing energy demands.

To address the immediate needs, the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) has initiated the Grid-Enhancing Technologies for a Smart Energy Transition (GET SET) program. This initiative focuses on four key technologies that can potentially have a high impact on increasing transmission capacity:

1. Dynamic Line Ratings (DLR) provide accurate transmission ratings based on real-time conditions.
2. Advanced Conductors utilize new materials to enhance the thermal capacity of power lines.
3. Advanced Power Flow Control (PFC) can actively manage the power flow through transmission lines.
4. Topology Optimization software analyzes the transmission network to optimize network flows, reduce costs, and maintain system reliability.

These technologies can help reduce congestion costs, improve renewables integration, increase capacity, and offer grid service applications in both existing and new transmission networks. By maximizing the capacity of existing assets, GETs can support the growth of the grid while new infrastructure is being developed for the long term.

For instance, advanced conductors designed to operate at higher temperatures can boost the power transfer capacity of existing transmission networks and fully utilize existing rights-of-way. While these conductors have been available for some time, uncertainties remain regarding procurement, installation, inspection methods, and long-term performance. Extensive testing is being conducted at advanced laboratories to evaluate these technologies and mitigate risks before full deployment.

EPRI is collaborating with various organizations and electric utilities to deploy GETs and conduct further research for broader implementation in the future. As electricity remains the backbone of the U.S. economy, it is essential to leverage these technologies to balance affordability and reliability while meeting the growing power needs of the country.