The Austrian Max Schrems wants to enforce his right to privacy against Facebook. The European court of justice has dealt well with it.

The Austrian Max Schrems with Facebook to photo: Heinz-Peter Bader/reuters

That Netflix has filmed this story, can, in fact, due to the fact that the service has the fear of the protagonist: a young lawyer, has created since his student times, with one of the Big.

Max Schrems against Facebook, it’s about the right to privacy, so to the Good; the procedure provides sufficient Material and unexpected turns for about three seasons, and just before the end, everything is still open. Shortly before the end of this Thursday and the advocate-General of the European court of justice (ECJ) has submitted its vote in the matter. 97 pages on which he makes is, unfortunately, the system is a question.

Because the controlling System data collect and Monitoring, of this strange Non-Alliance business and the secret services, in the most users:do not have even an idea of what those who gather information about you that stores, for how long and on what legal basis, actually, this System is not so corrected, with a few small corrections unfortunately.

that’s Exactly what it should. Anyone who has read in the past few weeks, Edward Snowden, or in Interviews, heard, knows, that, six years after his revelations, although some things changed, but nothing substantial has improved.

Europe would have this Chance now. It is the privacy and data protection basic regulation, which is the same for all errors, but a progress. It has a protagonist that is not afraid of long years of conflict with the authorities and a financially strong US companies. The ECJ could trust in the coming year, to make a judgment, which prohibits the Transfer of personal data to the US under the current conditions.

Which would then have a Chance, a moment to pause: if you Want to ensure a Minimum of privacy? Or rather on the business do without? It’s a judgment would be a question as close to the system, as it is just now possible.