GAS PRICES. If as 4 million homes you depend on today still regulated tariffs for gas Engie, you can expect to see them increase. The increase is an average of 3.5%.
[updated January 29, 2021 at 09h06] tele-working, home appliances, and heating at full throttle… Your energy bill is already burdened with two sub-decreed because of the health crisis ? You should expect a new increase if you are still on gas tariffs regulated Engie. The price of gas will increase an average of 3.5% at February 1, . This upward trend varies according to the nature of your gas consumption. In detail, these are the ones that heat up the gas that will be affected the most (+3.7 percent). The increase reached 2.1% for the dual use (cooking and hot water) and 0.9% for cooking. The increase in the month of February is attributed to an increase in the demand for liquefied natural gas in Asia, due to a major cold wave.
as a Result, the prices resuming an upward trend. As a reminder, a mechanism of smoothing has been implemented until February 2021. The increase would have reached 5.7% if a mechanism of smoothing had not been implemented until February to limit the changes to be too brutal. The increase in gas prices comes at a time when an increase in electricity prices is also expected for the 1st of February. You want to know more ? See our dedicated article :
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electricity Prices : why your bill is going to rise
The rate-regulated gas disappear
The rate-regulated gas, themselves, are doomed to disappear, since the law of Energy and Climate adopted in 2019. Engie has ceased to offer new contracts to the regulated tariffs of sale (TRV), since November 2019 . If you get a contract Engie, don’t panic. It stays valid until 30 June 2023 for the special” . They must receive several letters of information. From 1 July 2023, the customers who have not changed contract will automatically pass on an offer to market Engie. As a reminder, if you decide to abandon the regulated rate, it will not be possible to go back : you will need to buy a supply at market prices. If you change your provider, you can check on the website of the national ombudsman of energy, here, which provides a comparator offers to find the formula that matches your consumption needs .