HELP 200 EUROS CIF CORONAVIRUS. Some of the young people, aged under 25 years, will have an exceptional aid of 200 € paid by the CAF from 25 June. Who is concerned ? It makes the point.

Summary APL Conditions Steps Time

[updated on June 24, 2020 at 10: 02] You have experienced financial difficulties during the confinement ? Several aids have been put in place. Among them, a financial aid reserved for students and some young people, aged under 25 years. This financial boost is 200 €. Since last may 12, the student may initiate steps on the Internet site. For young people under 25 years of age, which affect the APL, the payment is imminent : it is planned the 25th of June by the FCA. Conditions, steps… Find in our article all the information about this device.

Who are the young people that affect the APL of the Fca, who will perceive it ?

They are the other public concerned by the flat-rate aid of € 200 : the I one under 25 years of age, precarious and small, that affect the APL. How to tell if you’re actually part ? For these young people, the aid is accorded automatically by the FCA. On its website, the Caisse des allocations familiales says that the payment is scheduled June 25, 2020 for its beneficiaries concerned, without however specifying the conditions of eligibility. “ If you are under the age of 25 and you get a personal assistance in housing, the Fca you automatically pay your Premium on youth precariousness” , says it on the site. “So you have no thing to do ! Just be sure that your bank details are registered, or updated, in your space “My Account” on the site, under the heading ” View or edit my profile.”

Who are the students concerned ?

In may, Edouard Philippe has defined those who may benefit from this device. Are involved the students who have lost their job or their internship with the health crisis, as well as the students ultramarins forced to stay in metropolis. In a second time, the administration has set a number of conditions :

You must be registered in a higher education institution, or BTS, in initial training. In clear text, this means that if you are in a contract of apprenticeship or short-time work, you are excluded from the device. In addition, you must demonstrate a reduction in income . If you have lost your job, the hourly volume must be at least 32 hours per month, or 8 hours per week, since 1st January 2020 at the least. below this threshold, you may not qualify for assistance. Your course has been cancelled or stopped during the confinement ? You can receive assistance, provided that it is a period of “2 months or more”, and that he began or that he was supposed to start “ no later than June 1, 2020, and mandatory in your curriculum” . How to get it ? The request

students must send their request to the following address : . Two modules are offered : one for students who have lost a job or internship awarded (click here), the other for ultramarins (here). In both cases, a form is generated, allowing you to instruct your file to the Crous. What are the supporting documents to provide ? it All depends on your situation :

are You a student overseas : a proof of status student , a proof of address family , or “failing this, any evidence justifying a home tie in a department or overseas territory”, copy the page “parents” of your livret de famille , “ a certificate of free hosting signed by the person who hosts”, a copy of the identity document of this person and RIB . You have lost your job or an internship : proof of status as student ( certificate of attendance or student card ), a RIB , your or your employment contracts since January 1, or your placement agreement , an attestation employer to justify the termination of the contract of work or internship, it must be completed by the employer.

“in the processing of your application, your Crous is likely to ask you for other items “, warns you on the site.

What is the delay in payment of this assistance ?