A Federal official referred to in the year 2019 in section 3210 Euro a month Pension. This was an increase of 80 euros for the previous year. A Federal agent received an average of 2580 euros. The 70 Euro more than in 2018. The “image”newspaper reported, citing the latest Figures of the Federal Statistical office (Destatis).
Amazingly: the country officials get the Numbers even more. Male country officials have been raking in an average of 3400 Euro Pension. Country, public servants are come still on 2820 euros. Retired teachers get even 3620 EUR, teachers will have to settle for 2890 Euro. The are a good 20 percent less. Reasons for interrupted employment biographies, as well as less highly paid top-most item.
The high pensions of civil servants showed themselves in the case of widows of Federal officials: they referred in section 1870 Euro per month. An average widow’s pension is, however, only 732 euros. Everything you know about your pension
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Maximum pension was 2019 at 3073 Euro in the old länder
In comparison, come statutory Pension insurance and to the significantly lower age remuneration: The gross pension of a retiree was 2018, on average, at 1281 Euro. Pensioners 793 Euro in the cut. From this gross pension contributions for the health and nursing care insurance are deducted. After that, average net monthly pensions of 1130 Euro for men and 647 euros for women emerged in the old Federal States. Who amount of 9000 Euro (2018) and 9168 Euro in the following related pensions above the basic free year, was also subject to tax. The gross-to-net calculator
on the Basis of the statutory pension formula maximum pension of statutory pension insurance the insured employee can be calculated. The maximum pension is reached only if someone pays for 45 years in the pension funds evaporated.
Then above all, the amount of the pay points is crucial for the amount of the pension. This is dependent on the content, but to the top capped. In the year 2019, the contribution assessment ceiling for the old Federal States (West) was a month of 6,700 euros, or 80.400 euros in the year. Divided by the average salary of 38.901 Euro (West) showed the 2,068 earnings points.
A pension point was 33,05 Euro value. This results in a maximum pension of 3073 Euro in the month showed. This is the top value for a very small part of the old-age pensioners – but even this value is still significantly below the average pensions of state servants.
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The high and ever-more climbing and pensions constitute for the state a challenge. According to messages of Destatis were 1.1.2019 “1.313 300 Pensioners and pensioners of the civil service to the officers and soldiers of supply, law” – an increase of 1.9 percent year-on-year. To said the cost of Destatis: The expenditure for pensions of the former state were servants already in the year 2018 to 46.5 billion euros. For the survivor’s pension, a further 7.6 billion euros were spent. Added the expenses of 54.2 billion euros, four percent more than the 2017 results.
These Numbers have continued to rise: by 2019 went according to the “picture”report was more nearly 63,000 officials alone.
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