
The Democratic party is currently facing a major shakeup as reports suggest that Joe Biden’s team is quietly testing Vice President Kamala Harris’ viability in a head-to-head survey against Donald Trump. This survey, commissioned by the Biden campaign’s analytics team, marks the first time since the debate that Biden’s aides are assessing Harris’ potential as a presidential candidate.

In addition to this survey, there are discussions among Biden advisers on how to convince the president to step aside. Some advisers believe that Biden cannot win against Trump and that another candidate, like Harris, would have a better chance. They are also considering the process of choosing a new candidate in an orderly manner to avoid chaos within the Democratic Party.

These developments come on the heels of Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi expressing doubts about Biden’s prospects for the 2024 election. Schumer has been listening to donors’ suggestions on the party’s best way forward, while Pelosi has backed off her previous support for Biden. Lawmakers and donors are waiting for more polling data before potentially making a move against the president.

Senators Sherrod Brown, Jon Tester, and Michael Bennet have all voiced concerns about Biden’s chances of winning the election. Schumer is reportedly listening to the concerns of his caucus regarding Biden’s future as the party’s nominee.

Overall, these recent developments indicate a significant shift in the Democratic party’s outlook for the upcoming election. With Harris emerging as a potential alternative to Biden, the party is facing a crucial decision on its path forward. Stay tuned for more updates on this evolving situation.