The people’s desire for more types of to start protection in lower Saxony is the right one. But the environmentalists may not overstep the mark.

biodiversity suffers often under the agricultural economy photo: Westend61/imago images

It is right to start the petition for the protection of biodiversity in the important agricultural state of lower Saxony now. Even if the in the environmental movement highly appreciated the Arbeitsgemeinschaft bäuerliche Landwirtschaft (AbL) is.

Because the previous offers of the government in Hanover to the environmentalists mau: “Development of organic farming” sounds nice. But without specific Numbers and deadlines, this is a worthless promise.

upgrades the application To the government, is the additional pressure needed. The can occur, if environmental organizations and Green collect signatures for your petition. There are ambitious targets to increase the Organic content of the agricultural area in 2030 to 20 percent. The example of Bavaria shows how much a state government on environmentalists can go, if you petition for a referendum on the neck. That single Association – and the party want to officials with their campaign also at the Basis of popular make, do not need to damage this good thing.

The Initiative “country connection”, organised by the farmers-demonstrations of recent months, is also ranting without a referendum on the nature conservationists and the Greens. Many of the leaders of the movement deny that their industry is decisive for the extinction of the species responsible. Some of them even doubt at all, more and more animal and plant species extinction.

desire, The campaign for the people must, however, stress that the farmers have to be compensated for their potentially higher conservation costs. This balance is the most important requirement of the OJ.

environmentalists are also allowed to bring through an aggressive rhetoric of the current negotiations with the state government to Fail. Because an agreement with the farmers and the government party, the CDU could be implemented at the end more efficient than an imposed law by popular initiative.