Due to the U.S. sanctions, the pipe-laying company Allseas, the work. Whether Russia, the Pipeline alone, is unclear.

This is now: On the Allseas ship Solitaire parts of Nord Stream-2 be wasted photo: reuters

know it went fast: On Friday evening, US President Donald Trump out of alleged concern for the European energy security had set with his signature, sanctions against companies in force, which are involved in the construction of the Nord Stream Baltic sea Pipeline 2. Shortly thereafter, the company, Allseas announced that they are going to stop Work on the project. The Swiss company that is specialized with 4,000 employees on the Laying of underwater Pipelines, has so far ships with his Special “Pioneering Spirit” and “Solitaire” laid the Nord Stream 2. Whether and how the can be built to about 90 percent of completed gas pipeline from Russia to Germany to the end, is unclear.

The Nord Stream-2 consortium, which belongs to the Russian gas company Gazprom, and is assisted in the financing of five European gas companies, said on Saturday, they are working “as fast as possible to completion of the project”. But how this is to be made, remained open. The hope is that Allseas can use the 30-day transition period, which the law gives to the companies involved in the construction, the Pipeline will deliver yet finished, has not met at least.

Also in this period, said the US senators Ted Cruz and Ron Johnson in a sharply worded letter to Allseas boss Edward Heerema, should the company not continue to the North Stream 2. “If you would make the Pipeline in the next 30 days, you would destroy your stock value and the future financial Viability of your company destroy”, – said in the Letter. In the case of a breach of the requirements of all of the assets of the company would be frozen in the United States, all financial transactions through US banks stopped, and all the visas of employees, is revoked.

Allseas does not rent its ships, or to sell, to let, Nord Stream 2 to finish. Also in this case, the sanctions would apply, it says in the warning letter. Gazprom will thus have to try to build the Pipeline with their own ships to the end. The Russian pipe-laying barge “Fortuna”, located in the port of Mukran on the island of RĂ¼gen and at the time of installation close to the coast, had worked, not met, but apparently the technical requirements for the Work of the open Baltic sea.

From Germany has been criticized the actions of the United States re-arming. “Such sanctions are a serious interference in the internal Affairs of Germany and of Europe, and the sovereignty of its own,” said Vice-Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD). To counter-sanctions, the Federal government intends to avoid. The US Ambassador in Germany, Richard Grenell, rejected the criticism. “15 European countries, the European Commission and the European Parliament have all raised their concerns against the project,” he told the Bild am Sonntag. Therefore, the sanctions are a “very pro-European decision.”

Olaf Scholz (SPD).

“Such sanctions are a serious interference in the internal Affairs of Europe”

The concern is that Ukraine will lose as a previous Gas transit country due to the Nord Stream 2 of the revenue and of strategic importance, was invalidated under which: Under the mediation of Germany and the EU, Russia and Ukraine have agreed that in the future Gas through Ukraine should be directed. Instead of approximately 90 billion cubic meters per year, however, from 2021 to 2024, only around 40 billion cubic meters, said Gazprom on Saturday. (with dpa)